The Crusader Newspaper Group

Thaddeus Young states young Bulls are ready to compete for playoff spot at 2019 Chicago Bulls Media Day

Along with 30 other teams across the National Basketball Association, the Chicago Bulls celebrated “Media Day” on Monday, September 30, at the Advocate Center to kick off the 2019-2020 NBA season.

“If you don’t like each other in the locker room, you’re not going to like each other on the court,” said Bulls newly signed free agent acquisition Thaddeus Young, on the importance of establishing team chemistry, leadership and building a winning culture early in the season. “At the end of the day the coaches can’t go out there and play for us, the front office can’t go out there and play for us, we have to go out there and play for ourselves as a team and as a unit. We have to be unified at all cost.”

Young, who set alongside newly acquired free agent acquisition and teammate Tomas  Satoransky during the press conference, informed the media that this year’s Bulls are here to compete and fight for a spot in the 2020 NBA Playoffs.

When asked about the possibility of joining Team USA roster at the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, Young reiterated his team goals, “At the end of the day that’s not my focus right now,” said Young. “My focus is going out there with the Chicago Bulls and try and beat down everybody in the NBA.”

In their biggest move of the off season, the Bulls signed Young to a three year, $40.6 million dollar contract over the summer and will expect him to bring his veteran presence and leadership to a “young” Bulls locker-room.

Young developed an attitude of winning, after advancing to the 2019 NBA Playoffs with  last year’s NBA overachievers the Indiana Pacers.

In three seasons with the Pacers, Young averaged 11.8 points, 6.2 rebounds and two assists per game. Last season was his most productive season in Indiana, where he averaged 12.6 points, 6.5 rebounds and 2.5 assists per game in spite of seeing his average playing time drop by almost two minutes.

Joseph Phillips

Joseph Phillips is the Sports Editor for the Chicago Crusader Newspaper. He is a Chicago native, who has been a sports writer for over 17 years. He also hosts the SC Media News and Sports Network Q&A radio show on WHPK 88.5 FM Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

Sports Editor at Chicago Crusader Newspaper | + posts

Joseph Phillips is the Sports Editor for the Chicago Crusader Newspaper. He is a Chicago native, who has been a sports writer for over 17 years. He also hosts the SC Media News and Sports Network Q&A radio show on WHPK 88.5 FM Chicago.

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