The Crusader Newspaper Group

Three Lifestyle Habits to Pick up for 2024

Happy New Year! You knew my annual healthy “to-do” list was on the horizon, so here it is! Let’s start by being thankful that we are here to see a new year despite any challenges we may have faced in 2023. I am sure we all know or know of someone who did not make it.

While I am not partial to any particular day or season, a new year is always a good time to review progress, set goals, drop bad habits and pick up good ones. Here are a few healthy habits that are indeed common but not always embraced:

Make more “me” time. I decided to lead with self-care since so many of us have a tendency to put ourselves last over significant others, family, friends and even our pets. Schedule regular time to do something that caters to your likes and needs.

Make a list of fun and/or relaxing things you like to do whether solo or with others. Then try to do something from that list at least once a month. It can be as simple as going roller skating, taking a day off to do nothing or planning a day trip to sight see at a nearby attraction. It’s your list, so put your spin on it!

Eat more “super foods.” The old adage “You are what you eat,” still rings true. The things we do or don’t consume have a big impact on how we feel, look and even our quality of life. Heavy, greasy, high calorie foods are harder to digest leaving us feeling sluggish.

Super foods are often described as nutrient-rich foods and ingredients that are considered to be especially supportive of overall health, healthy immune system function and even mental well-being. Fruits and vegetables are always a great start with foods like kale, avocados, citrus fruits, berries, leafy greens, mango, kiwi and bell peppers leading the way. I could go on, but a simple online search will reveal a wealth of foods that will offer amazing health and wellness benefits. Try adding some of these to your regular diet.

Find a way to make a difference that makes you feel good. Did you know that making others happy can have a positive impact on your own well-being? So many times we give to causes or volunteer because we have been invited to do so. Think about the last time you actually researched a cause or project, initiated contact and got involved on your own terms. If you cannot remember or have never done so, the new year is the perfect time to get started,

Perhaps there is a community garden, pet shelter or non-profit organization that needs your special touch. Is there a senior citizen who needs companionship? When it comes to making someone smile, the opportunities are endless. And again, you get the benefit of feeling great as well.

See? The doctor’s orders weren’t so bad! Do all of the above in moderation while approaching everything one day at a time. I wish you and the ones you love a healthy and prosperous 2024! Your health matters!

Follow Dr. Janet Seabrook on Facebook, Twitter and Linked-In for more information about health and wellness. Be sure to visit and sign up to receive regular updates and health information.

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