The Xinos and Kudos, youth groups for high school students in grades 9–12 and part of the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. (NSPDK), recently participated in the Midwestern Regional Conference in Forest Parks, Ohio. Xinos is tailored for girls, while Kudos is for boys, both aiming to enhance educational, ethical, moral, and social standards among youth.
Hosted by Epsilon Xi Xinos/Kudos, the conference, themed “Blazing the Path to A Better Future,” welcomed 200 exceptional youth from the Midwestern Region at the Marriott Northeast Hotel in Mason, Ohio.
Youth from Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, and Michigan competed in various categories, including talent showcases, academic competitions, and creative arts. The conference also featured workshops, ritualistic ceremonies, and a masquerade ball.
Chaperoned by Senior Xinos Advisor Sadie Ethridge, Xinos Advisor Helen Turner, Senior Kudos Advisor Joan Washington, and Kudos Advisor Nicole McIntosh, along with several accompanying parents, the attendees showcased their talents and skills throughout the event.

Under the leadership of Mrs. Karen D. Fitzgerald-Tillman, Basileus of Beta Mu Chapter, and Publicity Chair Sadie Ethridge, the youth received awards in multiple categories, demonstrating their outstanding representation of their community. They said, “Beta Mu Chapter is extremely proud of their youth, as they outstandingly represented their community.”
The following youth received awards in various categories:
Vocal–Xinos Aaryel Johnson, 1st place; Dance (Tap Dance)–Xinos Madison Keller, 1st place; Instrumental Music (Baritone)–Xinos Anaia Haywood, 1st place; Art II (Wreath)–Xinos Nyla Hamilton, 2nd place; Math (Algebra 2) Xinos Madison Walters, 2nd place; Math (Algebra 2) Kudos Jadon Randle, 2nd place; Oratorical Presentation, Kudos Jayden Neal, 1st place; Technology, Kudos Christian Wesson, 2nd place; Group Skit (Xinos and Kudos performed a skit using the theme) 1st place; and Digital Scrapbook (Xinos) 3rd place.
The NSPDK, an international professional sorority for African American women in education founded in Jersey City, New Jersey in 1923, extends its support to Xinos and Kudos through a parent support group called The Hub Parents, open to all parents, grandparents, and guardians.