Week of the Young Child celebrated at St. Philip Neri

St. Philip Neri Catholic School recently celebrated the annual Week of the Young Child (WOYC), spotlighting young students in primary grades (Pre-K thru 2nd grade). The children learn, collaborate and have fun with music, food and art.

The school’s 7th and 8th grades performed a special rendition of Passions of the Christ during the Easter season.

St. Philip Neri students, Pre-K thru 2nd grade also engaged in five daily themed days under the direction of their respective teachers:

  • Music Monday – In this kickoff, students enjoyed a party with music and dancing in the gymnasium.
  • Tasty Tuesday – The young learners focused on healthy eating and fitness at home and school, with Tasty Tuesday! Salads, fruit and vegetables were the main course, courtesy of St. Philip Neri teachers. This fun, food-themed day was about more than just cheese and crackers. Cooking together connects math with literacy skills, science, and more.
  • Work Together Wednesday – Seven work stations were created for the children as they explored math and science concepts and developed their social and early literacy skills with building blocks, and dyeing Easter eggs.
  • Artsy Thursday – Thinking, problem solving and creating was the order of the day where open-ended art projects were created with murals and art walls, using materials from crayons and markers, to paint!
  • Family Fun Friday – Engaging and celebrating families is at the heart of supporting the youngest learners. Nationally, this day is called Family Friday, but only the children were involved. On the playground students played games like Hula Hoops, blowing bubbles, chalk writing on the sidewalks, riding tricycles, bouncing balls and enjoyed an Easter Egg Hunt. Each day created fun and competitive challenges that enabled the young learners to develop new skills while expressing their creativity and enhancing their knowledge of music, food, tradition, art and working as team players.

Pre-K teacher Elizabeth Danaher and kindergarten teacher Adele Meadows commented on the students exploring new and innovative ways to learn, while having fun in the various activities:

“WOYC gave us an opportunity to collaborate with Pre-K, kindergarten, first and second grade on fun and educational projects. It was a wonderful learning experience for all our scholars,” Danaher explained.

Meadows added, “The primary grades at St. Philip Neri School celebrated the Week of the Young Child.  The goal of the Week of the Young Child is to celebrate our young children in a fun and educational way.”

The 7th and 8th grades took a page out of history and performed the 2004 American biblical drama Passion of Christ during the weekly mass to show respect, honor and praise during the holy Easter season.

“The 7th and 8th grade students gave us an introspective and riveting performance of Jesus Christ that reflected this holy time in history,” according to Assistant Principal and 7th/ 8th grade teacher, Diane Asberry.

The school concluded the week showcasing an appreciation of faith and higher learning for students while still using imagination in the spirit of literacy and development.

About St. Philip Neri Catholic School™

St. Philip Neri School has been a strong presence in the South Shore community since it first opened in 1913. Irish-Americans and other people of Western European ancestry first established the school. The founding priests, sisters and families were determined that their institution would add to the well-being and growth of the church and the greater South Shore community. Construction on the school began long before the permanent church was built. The initial worship space was located where the present-day main entrance way is – the section of the school now referred to as the rotunda.

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