Village of Wisdom This Book Forges A Connection Between Children and Their Elders Through Chapters on Financial Health, Common Sense, Relationships and Moore

Author Dr. Edmund H. Moore establishes a connection between the youngest generation and their elders in his latest book Village Wisdom for Our Youth through discussion of essential life skills, dissection of common problems, and the celebration of African-American men. Dr. Moore discusses seven topics throughout his book: Relationships, Common Sense, Career Guidance, Financial

Health, Faith in God, Community and Civic Engagement, and Personal Development.

Village Wisdom for Our Youth was written for children above age 12 to young adults to  age 30, although readers of any age will enjoy it. African-American men and women  throughout the greater Dayton, Ohio area contributed to this book, giving young readers  a unique perspective and encouraging them to connect with more mature members of  their community.

Beyond the value that this book brings the community, its proceeds will go towards achieving social and economic equality for African-Americans in the greater Dayton area. All money made by the book will be directly donated to Parity Inc., a nonprofit fighting for diversity, social and economic equity at which Dr. Moore serves on the board. The book actually coincided with a recent virtual version of Parity Inc.’s Top 10 African American Male Awards that recognized the honorees and raised funds to support Parity Inc.’s  mission.

This fun and informational book will not only create a connection between two to three distinctly unique generations, but it will allow for a local nonprofit to continue to better its community. It will be available on all major platforms: Amazon, Kindle, and Barnes and Noble.

About Dr. Edmund Moore

Dr. Edmund Moore
Dr. Edmund Moore

As seen on Dayton NBC and CBS news affiliates, Spectrum News 1, FoxSoul TV’s Black Agenda Report, Black New Channel and more, Edmund H. Moore PhD is active in the community. He is employed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio as a senior engineer and program manager. Currently, he serves on the Advisory Board for the Virginia Tech Materials Science & Engineering Department, a past Board member of the City Wide Development Corporation, a past Board member of a start-up, and is on the Finance Committee for The Dayton Foundation.

He is a dedicated member of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., the Omega Baptist Church, the National Society of Black Engineers, Sigma Xi, the American Ceramic Society (ACerS), the Air Force Association, and the Keramos Fraternity. He is recipient of several awards, including a Secretary of the Air Force (SAF) Special Achievement Award, an Air Force Award for  Meritorious Civilian Service, a Black Engineer of the Year Award, the Florida A&M University National Alumni  Association (NAA) Distinguished Alumni Award—In Field of Technology, a Wright-Patterson AFB 2015 Diversity  Leadership Awards and numerous of others. Edmund is the proud father of two teenage daughters, Mackenzie  and Madison. He is the author of the acclaimed With a Father’s Love: 52 Weekly Letters to My Beloved Daughters at


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