The Crusader Newspaper Group



The November 8th election is beginning to be extremely troubling to us.  Indiana is known for rough and tumble politics as far back as we can remember. We have survived rough and tumble, but we wonder how well can we survive the tactics being employed by some camps? These tactics are beyond the pale of good rough and tumble politics.

This is not an anomaly in Indiana, we see it all over the United States and it’s frightening.  Since January 6, 2021, we have witnessed an insurrection upon our nation’s Capitol, an attempt to overturn the Presidential election, as well as deaths and threats of death on many of our elected officials.  All because of the BIG LIE that the election was stolen.

Jennifer-Ruth Green

We have our own BIG LIE here in Northwest Indiana (Gary, East Chicago, Hammond, Crown Point, etc.). Many of you probably read about it in other Northwest Indiana publications earlier this week and Politico Magazine. According to news reports Jennifer-Ruth Green has accused Congressman Frank Mrvan of giving her military records to Politico. Politico says they received the information from a Freedom of Information request, and some from the candidate herself.

Yet, Green says Mrvan gave the publications her records.

This begs the question, if this is true that Congressman Mrvan gave her records to these publications, have she filed a complaint with the FBI? Surely, if it is true, she would report it to the FBI. Lying to the FBI is a criminal offense. Is she willing to go to jail for a LIE?

Among the firestorm is the revelation that Green was the victim of a sexual assault in the military.  Green and her supporters have accused Mrs. Mrvan and her husband the Congressman of making light of this assault and the social media of misinformation has attacked the couple. Green and her campaign picked the wrong issue to try to pin on the Mrvans. You see the Mrvan Family is extremely sensitive to this issue, having first-hand experienced the effects of sexual abuse and the Congressman has in his first term made sure a facility that deals with this issue in Northwest Indiana have the resources to help victims of the dastardly act of sexual abuse.

Jennifer-Ruth Green

A Pro-Lifer to the extreme, Jennifer-Ruth Green obviously has a fresh copy of Donald Trump’s play book. Obviously, she is depending on her affiliation as a Trumpster, just like Herschel Walker, also a Trumpster to pull a great upset in Indiana and Georgia, respectively. That would be greatly disturbing to our readers if that were to happen. But more disturbing to us, is these African Americans have bought into the Trump philosophy of hate that has come out of the woodworks, attacking the very roots of Democracy, and tearing our cities apart.

We can’t let them do that to Northwest Indiana or Georgia or any other state that is practicing the hate that is being preached.

Let’s answer these questions about Jennifer-Ruth Green: who is she? Where did she come from? What has she done to advance the opportunities for other African Americans, or all citizens of Northwest Indiana? What organizations such as the NAACP, the Urban League of Northwest Indiana, educational organizations….??? Who is this woman????

We say she is a Carpetbagger, being used by the Republican party for their purposes of hate, discord, and disinformation. None of this will mean a better life for any of us Black, Brown or White in Northwest Indiana. Let’s send Frank Mrvan back to Congress.

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