The Crusader Newspaper Group


Power players are openly whispering that the water crisis in the south suburbs may be the “scandal” they need to finally get rid of the county board president? Some operatives have been plotting and planning to bring “fresh voices” to the county board and they think Preckwinkle needs to step down because “she is going to be tough to vote out.” The observer says they finally have a chance now that “the county has ignored the water crisis in several suburbs on the South and West Sides.” The man told a snitch, “Yeah, it ain’t her fault because it’s been messed up for decades. But she’s had time to fix it and ain’t done it. We want someone from the progressive caucus with some energy to take her spot. She’s old and there’s no energy coming out of there. She can barely keep Lightfoot from causing mischief. We need someone like Old Man Stroger but under the age of 50 in that seat. I understand there’s a Hispanic woman that the Mexicans are positioning to run, but I don’t see that going no where. Cook County is still a Black county. We are looking at some south suburban characters who we think can carry this thing. Fixing the water pipes is going to be key to the movement to oust her (Preckwinkle).” She got the suburbanites hopping mad when she suggested they go to a school gym to take a shower. Well!!! The person sharing this is an employee of a commissioner.

Toni Preckwinkle

Speaking of final straws: There’s a small contingent of angry villagers in the 17th Ward. They hate Ald. David Moore and say his failure to secure funding for the Ogden Park Fieldhouse and to “stop the violence” is the reason they want him to go back to Fellowship Church and take a seat. At least one Auburn-Gresham resident is openly begging former Ald. Latasha Thomas to forget making big bucks as an attorney and to return to power. Moore narrowly defeated Thomas, who sources claim had ticked off Father Pfleger shortly before her re-election bid back in the day. Now that those riffs are healed, we hear people are seriously trying to figure out who to replace Moore with.

David Moore

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