Smith to Host 35th Annual Spirit of Christmas Dinner in Gary

Back-to-School Jamboree

This Sunday, Dec. 24, State Rep. Vernon G. Smith (D-Gary) is hosting the 35th annual Spirit of Christmas Dinner and Gift Giveaway on Christmas Eve. The free event will take place from 1-4 p.m. at the Gary Career Center, 35th & King Drive. While the annual dinner takes place in Smith’s district, House District 14, all are welcome. Co-hosted by Dwight Williams and Robin Bernal Ealy, this Christmas Eve tradition is held in honor of Rev. Julia E. Smith, who served as pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, and Patricia Tillotson, a former educator in the Gary School Corporation

“I began this tradition 35 years ago to honor my mother, Rev. Julia E. Smith, and Patricia Tillotson, an educator whom I greatly admired, by continuing one of their greatest passions of giving back to the community,” Smith said. “These two women dedicated much of their time and energy here on Earth to helping those in need. There is no better time to carry on their legacy of goodwill than the holiday season, which is precisely why I created this Spirit of Christmas event. 

“The doors are open to everyone, but I would like to personally extend a hand to those in need of food, company, gifts for their children or Christmas spirit this Christmas Eve.” 

It’s not too late to get involved! All who wish to volunteer their time serving their community this Christmas will be deeply appreciated. For more information about the event or volunteering, you can call Robin Ealy at (219)-887-2046.

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