Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., Rep. Mary Flowers (31st), Ald. Roderick Sawyer (6th), members of the City Council Black Caucus and City College educators, are holding a press conference 4 p.m. today, Friday, July 15th, at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, 930 E. 50th St., to call for the reinstatement of Kennedy-King President Dr. Gregory Thomas.
According to a recent Forbes Magazine, Kennedy-King College ranks as one of the top community colleges in the U.S. and ranking #1 in the state. The article further states that Kennedy-King “is considered one of the top 10 community colleges in the country and serves the largest predominantly black student body on the list compiled by Academic Influence….”
Rev. Jackson, along with Aldermen Stephanie Coleman (16th), and David Moore (17th), are demanding an explanation why City Colleges Chancellor Juan Salgado fired Thomas two-days ago with no notice in violation of college procedure and why Thomas was fired Wednesday, July 13th, with no notice or reason.
Rev. Jackson wants to know what was the process that led up to Thomas’ termination and was this done with Board Trustee approval? Was there a public notice posted prior to Thomas’ dismissal? Was there an open meeting of the Board about Thomas’ firing?
Rev. Jackson and supporters are demanding an immediate reinstatement of Dr. Thomas.