Rev. Eaddy says he brings a lot to the CTA Board

Under fire from the media and some aldermen angry that the mayor has once again appointed a political supporter to the CTA board, Rev. Dr. Michael Eaddy, pastor of the People’s Church of the Harvest Church of God in Christ, Tuesday, April 23rd, defended his appointment saying he will be a “Community Needs Responder” for those who ride the CTA, and he will introduce a “Code of Conduct” for both riders and CTA staff. (Photo by Chinta Strausberg)

Defends Mayoral Appointment

While the City Council has approved Rev. Dr. Michael Eaddy, pastor of the People’s Church of the Harvest Church of God in Christ, to the CTA board, he is defending his appointment vowing to be the agency’s advocate for change including introducing a “Ridership Code of Conduct” and one for all employees.

Calling himself a “Community Needs Responder,” Eaddy said by implementing a “Ridership Code of Conduct, it will be minimizing crime. It’s about being a good rider. That is what my background has been. It’s about interacting with people engaging them on different levels.”

But after holding a social session with students and adults before his appointment, Eaddy said young riders complained about “awful” treatment by CTA employees and some adults told me they had wonderful encounters with CTA workers.

So, Rev. Eaddy, who begins working at the CTA on May 12th, is also proposing a signed “Code of Conduct” for all CTA personnel. “Customer service is very important,” he told the Chicago Crusader in an exclusive interview. The “Code of Conduct” can be incorporated into the training of all CTA employees.

“It’s two-fold. We have to let our CTA employees understand that we are serious about servicing our clients‑‑the riders. We have to accommodate their needs making sure they are safe and riding in clean buses and CTA ‘L’ trains,” he said.

And, besides utilizing his church venues, Eaddy plans to get his rider “Code of Conduct” messages out to CPS which can be taught in the schools but also through his massive church connections.

But even with Eaddy’s people connection, he is being hounded by Gov. Pritzker and some media who claim he is nothing more than a political appointee of Mayor Johnson who has no transit experience.

Still, Eaddy, who has been the pastor of his church for 45 years and in the ministry for 49 years, graduated from Austin High School, Moody Bible Institute. He was awarded two honorary doctorate degrees, was approved by the City Council by a 49-0 vote. Eaddy said Ald. Julia Ramirez (12th Ward) was absent.

Various media outlets and some aldermen have also called on the mayor to fire CTA President Dorval Carter because of ridership reductions. Including Ald. Matt Martin (47th Ward), who complained ridership on the Brown line, which runs through his ward, is allegedly down by 30 percent. Martin wants the chairman and the entire board to resign.

Critics also complained about the CTA’s unsanitary conditions on the CTA’s buses and trains, as well as crime and fiscal problems after the pandemic.

Rev. Eaddy, who replaces Rev. Johnny Miller, pastor of the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, told the Chicago Crusader in an exclusive interview, “The mayor saw my community involvement and how we engage in the community at-large. I even did some preliminary things leading up to the interview.

“I convened two social groups to hear from students riding the CTA and adults citywide. I believe that is a value that I bring to the CTA board that is equally viable as one may call transit expertise,” Rev. Eaddy said.

Eaddy is also the chairman of the General Council of Pastors and Elders of the Church of God in Christ that oversees more than 12,000 churches and over 34,000 elders internationally. He plans to utilize these platforms to achieve his goal of reforming the CTA.

Rev. Eaddy is also executive director of the Peoples Community Development Association of Chicago, Inc. where he has helped more than 3,000 returning citizens get job training and placements, financial literacy, rental assistance, and other life support needs. Having co-partnered with the Lawndale Christian Development Corp., Rev. Eaddy is also an urban planner having built a number of affordable buildings.

“I am an affordable housing developer,” he said. “We built Harvest Homes, two-, three- and four-bedroom units. We did 36 of those with a budget of $13.5 million. We have been approved in 2026 to build Harvest Homes II that was approved by the City of Chicago. That’s 50 additional affordable one-, two- and three-bedroom units with a budget of $33 million which will have four Black-owned restaurants including Turkey Trot Restaurant and Oooh Wee It Is restaurant.

“I think what I have been able to get done over the years, can be of benefit to the CTA board,” said Eaddy. “I bring a lot to the table.”

However, Gov. Pritzker said it is time for “new leadership” and suggested if there aren’t changes the CTA is headed for a “fiscal cliff.”

By law, the governor appoints three CTA directors, and the mayor appoints four. Pritzker’s appointees are Rev. Dr. L.B. Jakes, pastor of the West Point Missionary Baptist Church, Rosa Ortiz, an urban planner, and Neema Jha, a programmer to promote inclusive culture.

Mayor Johnson has appointed Rev. Dr. Michael Eaddy who replaced Rev. Johnny Miller, pastor of the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church; Roberto Requejo, executive director of Elevated Chicago; disability rights advocate Michele A. Lee, and attorney Lester L. Barclay, who is chairman of the board.

Board members receive $25,000 a year and the chairman of the board receives $50,000 annually.

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