Rainbow PUSH Coalition will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on election day

Rainbow PUSH Coalition

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition headquarters, 930 E. 50th St., will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8th, to handle voter concerns and complaints, according to Bishop Tavis Grant, acting national executive director for the civil rights organization.

He and Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. urged all voters to come out Tuesday and exercise their right to vote. “We have a moral obligation and a civic duty to do something great on November 8th and that is to vote,” said Bishop Grant. “Our democracy is on the ballot. Healthcare is on the ballot. Workers’ rights are on the ballot. Social Justice reform is on the ballot. A lot is at stake and with your hands, you can be a force for change.”

Bishop Grant said there will be a watch party at the historic South Shore Cultural Center, 7059 S. South Shore Drive where U.S. Rep.-elect Jonathan Jackson, his father, Rev. Jackson, their family, and supporters will be watching the returns.

Rainbow PUSH Coalition is a multi-racial, multi-issue, progressive, international organization that was formed in December 1996 by the Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. through merging of two organizations he founded Operation PUSH People United to Serve Humanity (estab. 1971) and the Rainbow Coalition (estab. 1984). With headquarters in Chicago and offices in Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, New York and Oakland, the organization works to make the American Dream a reality for all citizens while advocating for peace and justice around the world. RPC is dedicated to improving the lives of all people by serving as a voice for the voiceless. Its mission is to protect, defend and gain civil rights by leveling the economic and educational playing fields while promoting peace and justice around the world.

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