PUNW fall Class of 2021 to be honored at two commencement ceremonies

Purdue University Northwest (PNW) will host its fall com­mencement ceremonies in-per­son, with appropriate health and safety protocols, on Saturday, Dec. 11, at its Westville campus.

A total of 995 candidates are eli­gible to receive degrees during the two commencement ceremonies, including one doctorate degree candidate, 218 master’s degree re­cipients and 776 earning under­graduate degrees.

Purdue Northwest will hold cere­monies on its Westville campus on Dec. 11 in the H.D. Kesling Gym­nasium inside the James B. Dwor­kin Student Services and Activities Complex. Graduates in the College of Business, College of Engineer­ing and Sciences, and College of Technology will participate in the 11 a.m. (Central) ceremony. Grad­uates in the College of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences and the College of Nursing will receive degrees at 3 p.m. (Central).

The keynote speaker for both ceremonies will be Tom Dermo­dy, mayor of the City of La Porte, Ind. Dermody served five terms in the Indiana House of Representa­tives (2006-2016) and was elected to his first term as mayor in 2019. His stated goals are to grow the city’s tax base, improve every as­pect of the quality of life for the community and create an atmo­sphere that is attractive to econom­ic development.

Purdue Northwest Chancel­lor Thomas L. Keon will present a Chancellor’s Medallion to the graduating seniors with the high­est grade point average from each college. Other distinguished bac­calaureate degree candidates also will be recognized.

In-person attendance at the cer­emonies will be limited to ticketed attendees. All attendees will be re­quired to wear a face covering over the nose and mouth at all times.

Both ceremonies will be lives­treamed at www.pnw.edu/com­mencement-live.

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