Praying the next generation refuses to emulate today’s adults behaving badly

Credit: Inhauscreative/Canva

The term “act like an adult” should be officially and permanently banned from the vernacular of human life, globally, under penalty of law. At this point, the deportment of far too many “adults” is despicable and unworthy of modeling.

We live in a nation in which those responsible for governance of the self-proclaimed “greatest democracy on earth” have lost every semblance of civility. At the expense of doing what they are sworn to do constitutionally, they are immersed in bickering.

The fundamental obligations of legislators at the federal level have been obscured by partisan politics and egomaniacal pursuits on a level beyond the witness of anyone in the past hundred or more years. The incompetency of these feckless fakes is a joke.

Beyond government, people show little or no sense of propriety for the worst imaginable behavior. Folks are shooting and killing people for mistakenly pulling into their driveway, accidentally going to the wrong parked car, requesting that music be lowered or coming over as a neighbor to discuss children issues.

In a gutless, gun-happy society, folks’ lives are at risk while shopping at Walmart or Kroger, having breakfast at Cracker Barrel or IHOP, waiting for public transportation, enjoying outdoor festivities, ceremonies, entertainment or sporting events, even in the comfort of their homes.

Synagogues, mosques, temples, and churches no longer can claim the safety of sacred sanctuaries, as cowardly men without principle or conscience have invaded the most revered locations and institutions. From pre-school to higher learning, students are targeted with wanton assaults.

Incidents of road rage have spiraled with corresponding upticks in rudeness and intolerance. Angry aggressors are increasingly allowing a moment of uncontrollable hostility to prompt a lifetime of suffering. Penalties for misconduct no longer seem to serve as a deterrent. People today too often yield to the heat of the moment.

Atrocities around the world are mounting at a numbing, meteoric rate with Russian ‘war criminal’ attacks against neighboring Ukraine, while bloody Israeli-Hamas tensions escalate, having already claimed thousands of casualties.

Racism and bigotry remain the primary nemesis thwarting pursuits of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in the U.S., a nation born of immigrants. Distorting history, banning books, suppressing participation in the democratic process and feeding the voracious appetite of the “haves” set the bar, as the “have nots” wallow in the mire.

As long as God rules the universe, there is always room for hope, the irrepressible conviction that the Lord can make a way out of no way. Evidence of our ultimate recovery through perseverance of the human spirit may not be in clear view in the midst of our quagmire, but faith remains evidence of things unseen and the substance of our hope, so there is no quitting.

But we need to step up and take inventory now and again, looking in the mirror for an honest capture of our own behaviors to make certain we are aware and doing all we can to not become complicit in our obstacles and challenges. Hopefully, the children will view these gross societal imperfections as places in life to rebuke… to remedy… to eliminate.

Adults who still care must do everything possible to augment their efforts to do better.

CIRCLE CITY CONNECTION by Vernon A. Williams is a series of essays on myriad topics that include social issues, human interest, entertainment and profiles of difference-makers who are forging change in a constantly evolving society. Williams is a 40-year veteran journalist based in Indianapolis, IN – commonly referred to as The Circle City. Send comments or questions to: [email protected].

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