Over 100 groups demand action: United call for vote count in Bring Chicago Home case

Supporters Rally at Appellate Court Against Real Estate Legal Challenge, Say Voters’ Voices Must Be Heard on Ballot Question 1

With just over two weeks remaining before the March 19th primary election, prominent civil rights groups, labor and community organizations, elected officials, and faith leaders file two amicus briefs as the Bring Chicago Home case heads to a higher court. The first contests the claim Bring Chicago Home is “logrolling”, which only applies to state legislation, and also cites the Fletcher precedent—that prospective litigants cannot preemptively stop the legislative process. The second brief argues plaintiffs underestimate the capacity of voters to make discerning choices on how to vote.

“The plaintiffs said it themselves—they were about to lose this vote and so they have taken to the courts instead to stop the Board of Elections from counting all the votes.” said Tre King of Chicago Votes. “This is an unjust subversion of the democratic process. We signed onto this brief because we believe Chicago voters—whether you support or oppose this—should decide for themselves if this is right for our city.”

“We are here today because we want the residents of Chicago to vote yes on Ballot Question 1, and we want our votes to be counted,” said Anthony J Perkins, community leader in ONE Northside and member of the Bring Chicago Home Coalition. “We are here because we the people have the opportunity to create funding for affordable housing and supportive services so we can make a great start toward ending homelessness.”

Notable signers include Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Chicago Urban League, Trinity United Church of Christ, SEIU HCIIMK, SEIU Local 73, Chicago Teachers Union, and AFSCME Council 31.

Full list of amici curiae provided below. 

The amicus briefs can be found at this link 


11th Ward IPO

12th Ward IPO

15th Ward Neighbors

22nd Ward IPO

25th Ward Independent Political Organization

30th United

33rd Ward Working Families

39th Ward Neighbors United

40th Ward Workers United

48th Ward Neighbors for Justice

50th Ward United Working Families

A Safe Haven Foundation

Access Living

Action Now

AFSCME Council 31

American Postal Workers Union (APWU)

Asian American Midwest Progressives

Better Streets Chicago

Bickerdike Redevelopment Corp

Brighton Park Neighborhood Council

Casa Central Social Services Corporation

Center for Housing and Health

Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

Chicago House

Chicago Jobs Council

Chicago Metro Retirees

Chicago Rehab Network

Chicago Urban League

Chicago Votes Action Fund

Chicago Women Take Action

Citizen Action/Illinois

Collaborative for Community Wellness Collective Chicago

Cook County College Teachers Union

Corporation for Supportive Housing

Daryle Brown, Trinity United Church of Christ

Deborah’s Place

Equity and Transformation (EAT)

Esperanza Health Centers

First Defense Legal Aid

Grace Church of Logan Square

Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc.

Housing Action Illinois

Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Illinois Collaboration on Youth

Illinois National Organization for Women

Illinois Partners for Human Service

Illinois Public Health Institute

Illinois Union of the Homeless

Imam Amiin Al-Musaddiq, Masjid Al-Ma’un

Indivisible Chicago Alliance

Indo American Center

Justice Informed

Kimball Avenue United Church of Christ

La Casa Norte

Larry Lawrence, Praise Temple of Restoration;

Lugenia Burns Hope Center

Lutheran Social Services of Illinois

LYTE Collective

Mercy Housing Lakefront

Metropolitan Tenants Organization

Michael Reese Health Trust

Mt. Carmel Missionary Baptist Church

National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture


Network 49

New Moms

Northside Action for Justice

Not Me We

One Northside

Palenque LSNA

People United for Action

Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago

Rainbow PUSH Coalition

Ravenswood Fellowship UMC

Renaissance Social Services


SEIU Local 73

Seminarians+ for Justice

She Votes Illinois

Southside Together Organizing for Power

St. Leonard’s Ministries

St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square

State Revenue Alliance

TASC (Treatment Alternative for Safe Communities)

The 290 IPO

The Boulevard of Chicago

The Inner Voice Inc.

The Network: Advocating Against Domestic Violence

The Night Ministry

The Owens Foundation

The People’s 32nd

Trilogy Behavioral Healthcare

Únete; United Church of Rogers Park

United Neighbors of the 26th Ward

United Neighbors of the 35th Ward

United Northwest Side

Workers United – CMRJB

Working Families Party

Elected Officials:

Alderman Byron Sigcho Lopez

Alderman Daniel La Spata

Alderman Desmon Yancy

Alderman Jason Ervin

Alderman Lamont Robinson

Alderman Michael D. Rodríguez

Alderman Ronnie L. Mosley

Alderman Ruth Cruz

Alderman Walter Burnett Jr.

Alderman William Hall

Alderwoman Angela Clay

Alderwoman Jessie Fuentes

Alderwoman Jeylu B. Gutierrez

Alderwoman Julia Ramirez

Alderwoman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth

Alderwoman Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez

City Treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin

Commissioner Anthony Joel Quezada

Commissioner Josina Morita

Commissioner Tara Stamps

Committeeman Paul Rosenfeld

Congressman Danny K. Davis

District Councilor Alees Edwards;

District Councilor Alexander Perez

District Councilor Chloe Vitale;

District Councilor David Boykin

District Councilor David Orlikoff

District Councilor Deirdre O’Connor

District Councilor Elianne Bahena

District Councilor Elizabeth A. Rochford

District Councilor Eric Russell

District Councilor Erin Vogel

District Councilor Leonardo Quintero

District Councilor Ponchita Moore

State Representative Camille Lilly

State Representative Kelly Cassidy

State Representative Lakesia Collins

State Representative Lilian Jimenez

State Representative Lindsey LaPointe

State Representative Will Guzzardi

State Senator Robert Peters

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