Northeast region weekly update January 10, 2024

Back to Business New Biz Grant – Due January 11!

Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) announced $25 million in available grant funding through the Back to Business (B2B) NewBiz program. Following state recovery programming for businesses totaling $1.5 billion, the latest American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)-funded opportunity is designed to provide additional support for businesses in hard-hit sectors who launched during the pandemic.

Businesses that launched in 2020 or 2021 and remain in operation have faced significant impacts during the pandemic, but they have not been eligible for other federal or state relief programming since they were not operational prior to the pandemic. To provide hands-on support and raise awareness about the program, the State has mobilized a network of nearly 100 community navigators across Illinois. Applicants are encouraged to

visit to learn more and apply. Application deadline January 11, 2024.

Office of Accountability

Attention Grantseekers! DCEO’s Office of Accountability is hosting virtual training sessions covering various stages in the grant process.

3rd Wednesday of the month 9AM. Learn more: here

The presentation will discuss important grant-related topics pertaining to grant management. Each month we will discuss a different component, process, or emerging practice that can benefit potential and existing grantees. Future topics offerings include:

  • 1/17/24 Grantee 101: This introductory training for new and potential grantees will explain the grant lifecycle including where to find grant opportunities, how to apply for funding, and the resources available to assist in the grant process.
  • 2/21/24 Financial Management: This training will cover the financial aspects of the Grant process. We will introduce the Uniform Budget Template, procurement policies, reporting requirements, and proper supporting documentation.
  • 3/20/24 Grantee Compliance: This training will introduce the Grantee Compliance Enforcement System and the requirements set forth in the 2 CFR 200, Grant Agreement, and Disclosures.
  • 4/17/24 Audit and Monitoring: This training will introduce grantees to the different Audit types, requirements, and the importance of record retention.

Job Training and Economic Development (JTED) Program

Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) announced an additional $13 million investment in the Job Training and Economic Development Program (JTED) for workforce training and wrap-around services that will bolster equitable workforce recovery for Illinoisans struggling to gain

meaningful employment. As part of Illinois’ workforce recovery efforts, JTED grants focus on helping increase employment among workers and industries hardest hit by COVID-19. Grantees will be selected through a competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process.

In the second round of the program, JTED will address the economic impacts experienced by employers and individuals who are underemployed, unemployed, or underrepresented, including youth who have one or more barriers to employment which are identified as risk factors. Priority populations include immigrants and refugees, justice-involved individuals, and rural residents.

JTED funding will continue to focus on hard hit sectors which have seen a labor shortage since the onset of the pandemic – such as manufacturing, agriculture, information technology, transportation distribution and logistics, architecture and construction, healthcare, and hospitality and tourism.

The State’s JTED model boosts access to education, training and support services needed for vulnerable residents to successfully re-enter the labor force. Additionally, JTED offers flexible funding through Barrier Reduction services for individuals that have emergency costs for basic needs.

Eligible applicants include employers, private nonprofit organizations, federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act administrative entities, Community Action Agencies, industry associations, and public or private educational institutions that have demonstrated expertise and effectiveness in administering workforce development programs.

Eligible entities can apply for grants between $250,000 to $750,000. Applications will be accepted until January 10 at 5:00 p.m. To view the NOFO and apply for the grant, please visit the DCEO website. Interested parties are also encouraged to reach out to [email protected] for application assistance.

Through the first round of the JTED program, the State of Illinois invested $20 million in 44 community-based organizations that are currently serving nearly 1,900 unemployed, underemployed, or underrepresented Illinoisans, with a special training focus on industries hardest-hit by the pandemic.

Digital Equity Capacity Kickstarter (DECK) Grant Program Renewed

After awarding $1 million in grant funding to 22 community-based organizations, local governments, and other qualified applicants, the Illinois Office of Broadband is adding another $1 million to the DECK Grant Program. Funding will support local initiatives, pilot new approaches, and maintain momentum in anticipation of an estimated $30 million or more in federal Digital Equity Capacity Grant resources likely available in late 2024.

The renewed DECK program will provide grant support ranging from $30,000 to $100,000 in support of Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) outreach and adoption; digital skill building, navigation, and use; community technology center access; and broadband access expansion feasibility studies. Applications currently received, but not funded, will be considered. Applications can be submitted by January 22, 2024, for those applicants looking for funding to deploy later in 2024. Additional information regarding the DECK notice of funding opportunity will be updated here. Watch the NOFO webinar here.

CEJA Equitable Energy Future Grants

Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) launched $25.5 million in funding for the Equitable Energy Future Grants Program as part of a larger strategy to equitably grow

the clean energy workforce in Illinois through the landmark Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA). The program supports renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in low-income and historically disadvantaged communities to grow and diversify the clean energy ecosystem across Illinois. Grantees will be selected through a competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process.

The goal of the Equitable Energy Future program is to provide seed and pre-development funding opportunities to eligible contractors to support the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects benefitting businesses, community organizations and the workforce in historically disadvantaged communities. The program is designed to help remove barriers to projects, community and business development efforts caused by lack of access to capital.

Grant funding can be used to support a variety of projects to benefit historically disadvantaged communities, including planning and project development, professional services, purchasing and leasing of land, equipment, staff, and more.

Qualified entities include equity eligible contractors and independent contractors, non-profits, co-operatives that are majority-owned by equity eligible persons, and businesses or non-profits with a proposed project that meets equity building criteria. Equity eligible contractors are businesses or non-profits that are majority-owned by equity eligible persons, including participants in CEJA workforce programs, Illinoisans who are in the foster care system or who were formerly in the foster care system, people who were formerly incarcerated, and Illinoisans who live in an R3 zone or environmental justice community.

Through a competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), qualified entities can apply for grants, with awards ranging from $250,000 to $1 million. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted. To view the NOFO and apply for the grant, please visit the DCEO website. Interested parties are encouraged to reach out to [email protected] for application assistance.

CEJA Updates

Join Team RED and our DCEO colleagues from the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) program to learn about current opportunities and what to look forward to in 2024.

Team RED Monthly Webinar – CEJA updates Thursday, January 18

10-11 am

Registration link:

CEJA Application links

CEJA Technical Assistance

Applicants are encouraged to take advantage of technical assistance to improve the quality of their applications.

  • Request one-on-one technical assistance by completing this form.
  • Attend the following technical assistance webinars:
  • “Developing a CEJA Program Budget: Avoiding Pitfalls.” Friday, January 12, 12

p.m. Register here.

  • “Rolling Back the Curtain: What CEJA Grant Reviewers are Looking For.” Friday, January 19, 12 p.m. Register here.

Attend a CEJA Networking Event

Applicants are encouraged to partner with other local organizations to ensure adequate coverage and capacity that will lead to successful grant programs. To build stronger, more inclusive partnerships, DCEO is hosting a series of local networking events in January. The events will raise awareness of the funding opportunities and provide a venue for organizations to connect.

Register here.

  • Carbondale: January 8, 1-3 pm
  • Waukegan: January 9, 1-3 pm
  • Champaign: January 9, 1-3 pm
  • East St. Louis: January 9, 1-3 pm
  • Joliet: January 11, 1-3 pm
  • Peoria: January 11, 1-3 pm
  • Aurora: January 16, 1-3 pm
  • Alton: January 16, 1-3 pm
  • Decatur: January 17, 1-3 pm
  • Danville: January 22, 1-3 pm

Tourism Partnership Program

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity is issuing a Notice of Funding Opportunity (“NOFO”) to match/leverage local funds with State funds to market and promote destinations, tourism attractions and tourism events throughout the State. The goal of the program is to increase overnight stays in paid accommodations.

Total amount of funding expected to be awarded through this NOFO is $2,500,000. Awards will range from

$10,000 to $100,000. Anticipated start date for awards is March 1, 2024. The period of performance is expected to be March 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, pre-award costs may be permitted with approval.

The Program shall provide matching grants to eligible Applicants to assist in promotional activities including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Travel Related Promotional Materials: Costs related to production, design and distribution of travel related brochures, visitor guides, direct mail literature or travel guides that are primarily used to promote areas outside of 50 miles from the Tourism Attractions, Tourism Destinations or Tourism Events in Illinois;
  2. Media: Costs related to production, design and placement for print advertising, radio advertising, on line advertising, out of home advertising and television advertising directed toward areas outside of 50 miles from the Tourism Attraction, Tourism Destination or Tourism Event in Illinois;
  • Billboards: Costs related to design and production of billboard artwork and rental of billboard space directed toward areas outside of 30 miles from the Tourism Attraction, Tourism Destination or Tourism Event in Illinois, unless the billboard is placed on an intrastate;
  • Web Sites: Costs related to Web site development, including hosting fees, domain registration and related maintenance fees, search engine optimization and key word searches;
  • Market Research: Costs to conduct research to optimize the effectiveness of marketing the tourism Attraction, Tourism Destination or Tourism Event in Illinois to areas outside of 50 miles;
  • Travel/Trade Shows: Costs related to travel/trade show booth space rental and related expenses, including travel show registration fees for domestic and international marketing, utilities, furniture rental, cleaning, etc.;
  • Visitor Inquiries: Costs related to telephone expenses for toll free telephone numbers for visitor inquiries;
  • Mail Promotions: Costs of the purchase and use of mailing lists for direct mail promotions, provided the promotional material is printed under this Program and provided the postage is billed at bulk rate;
  • Promotional Publications: Expenses for shipping and distribution of promotional publications printed under this Program to State funded Tourism information centers;
  1. Ad Campaigns: Costs related to email newsletters and ad mail campaigns primarily directed towards visitors outside a 50 mile radius from the Tourism Attraction, Tourism Destination or Tourism Event in Illinois; and
  1. Maps: Costs related to the design and production of maps illustrating the Tourism Attractions of an area being promoted.

Each grantee shall provide matching funds equal to no less than 100% of the Grant Amount. The application deadline is January 16, 2024.

To review the NOFO and application documents for Downstate Illinois, click here

To review the NOFO and application documents for Cook County, click here

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – Public Infrastructure

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity is soliciting applications for the 2023/2024 Public Infrastructure Grant opportunity funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The purpose of grants relative to the Public Infrastructure (PI) Notice of Funding Opportunity is to fund water and sanitary systems and storm sewer construction projects that alleviate public health, safety, and public welfare and help communities with substantial low to moderate-income populations.

Project areas must be primarily residential in character. Projects that are designed to benefit a commercial/business area are not eligible.

All grant funded projects must meet the following requirements:

  1. Low-to-Moderate Income Benefit Requirements: Projects must benefit at least 51.0 percent low-to-moderate income (LMI) persons. Those projects benefiting less than 51.0 percent LMI persons will not be considered for funding.
  2. Documentation of Threat to Health and Safety: Projects must address present conditions that affect public health and safety.
  • Water and Sewer Rates: Water or sewer rates must currently meet or exceed 1 percent of the Median Household Income (MHI) per 5,000 gallons. This requirement does not apply to storm sewer or drainage projects.

For more information and to apply click here. Applications are due January 18, 2024.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – Housing Rehabilitation

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity is soliciting applications for the 2023/2024 Housing Rehabilitation Grant opportunity funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The purpose of grants relative to the Housing Rehabilitation (HR) Notice of Funding Opportunity is to provide units of general local government with funds to address housing needs of eligible low to-moderate income (LMI) households. The program targets projects which preserve single family, owner-occupied housing needing rehabilitation and encourage neighborhood revitalization.

As this is a direct benefit activity, 100 percent of CDBG housing rehabilitation funds must benefit low-to-moderate income persons. CDBG funds can be used to rehabilitate only those homes occupied by families verified to be of low-to-moderate income. Project must rehabilitate a minimum of eight (8) homes. Applications must demonstrate the need for housing rehabilitation and support for the proposed project from eligible residents of the project area. Need should be demonstrated through the submission of surveys, completed within 24 months of the application filing date. Resident support can be demonstrated through submission of public meeting minutes and/or resident signup sheets.

For more information and to apply click here . Applications are due January 18, 2024.

LIHEAP Program for Energy Bill Assistance

Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) are encouraging additional income-eligible families to apply for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to support with utility bill assistance for natural gas, propane, and electricity. Applications expanded November 1 to include income-eligible households that are disconnected or facing imminent disconnection. Eligible families including those that are disconnected or facing imminent disconnection can apply by

visiting or by visiting their local agency (a list of partners throughout the State can be found here). Families can also call 1-833-711-0374 for assistance in 30 languages.

All families who meet the qualifications and provide proper documentation will receive support until funding is exhausted. Families who earn up to 200% the federal poverty level, have a household with a senior, a child or children under 6, and/or a person with a disability, along with households that provide proper documentation of disconnection or imminent disconnection from a utility are now eligible to receive support through LIHEAP. A chart with eligible income thresholds can be found on the webpage. Income-eligible households in addition to October priority period households and households that are disconnected or facing imminent threat of disconnection will be able to apply for assistance during the upcoming application opening period December 1, and applications will be accepted through August 15, 2024, or until funds are exhausted. The energy bill assistance program offered through the Help Illinois Families Program in program year 2024 will provide $237 million to eligible families for energy bill assistance.

LIHEAP provides one-time payments directly to energy service providers on behalf of recipients. While the amount of support varies based on the needs of individual families, last year over 311,000 households received LIHEAP, with an average of over $1,000 per household.

Additional Program Information:

The State of Illinois offers various programs to support eligible low-income families with utility assistance. These programs are open to ALL eligible low-income Illinois families who meet the criteria, including undocumented families. Programs for eligible families include:

  • One-Time Direct Vendor Payment: All LIHEAP recipients receive a one-time payment.
  • Crisis/Reconnection Assistance: Funding is available for families in heating-related emergency situations.
  • Furnace Assistance: Based on funding availability, Furnace Assistance may be provided to households that do not have an operating furnace for their residence.
  • Home Weatherization Program: The Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP) helps low-income residents and households conserve fuel and reduce energy costs by making their homes and apartments more energy efficient.

To apply, visit to fill out and submit a request for services form online OR visit your local agency (a list of partners throughout the State can be found here). After you submit the form, someone from your local agency will be in touch. Call 1-833-711-0374 for assistance at any point during the application process. Additional information about eligibility and criteria can be found on the website along with fact sheets in English and Spanish.

Office of Minority Economic Empowerment (OMEE)

Online with OMEE – Overview of Financial Resources for Small Businesses Wednesday | January 10, 2024 | 10:00AM – 11:00AM

Is access to financial capital important for your business? The Office of Minority Economic Empowerment (OMEE) Business Development Managers invite you to an online conversation that’s open to all minorities ((racial/ethnic), women, persons with disabilities, veterans, and LGBTQIA+) and any other marginalized groups-owned businesses. Team OMEE will provide you with the latest updates on financial resources like federal and state programs, information about other opportunities, and answer any questions you may have about your business. We’ll take questions in English and Spanish.

All events and webinars are open to everyone but intentionally target specific OMEE communities. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if we don’t answer your questions during our webinars or contact the First Stop Business Information Center Helpline at 1-800-252-2923. Spanish speaking assistance is available.

For a complete list of current DCEO grant opportunities, upcoming grant trainings, video resource library and Grant Help Desk assistance, visit DCEO Grants (

Illinois Clean Jobs Workforce Network Program (CEJA) click here Deadline February 23, 2024 Illinois Energy Transition Navigators Program (CEJA) click here Deadline February 23, 2024 SBIR/STTR Match Program click here Deadline June 30, 2024

Federal Grant Support Program click here No specific due date CDBG Economic Development Program click here Deadline rolling Connect Illinois Broadband Grant click here Deadline rolling

Other Federal and State Agency Grants & Programs

Illinois EPA Energy Efficiency Upgrades at Public Water Supply Treatment Plants

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has announced $750,000 of grant funding available for the development and completion of energy efficiency projects at public water supply (PWS) facilities, commonly referred to as drinking water treatment plants (DWTP).

The grant program seeks to invest U.S. Department of Energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funds in publicly owned PWS in the State of Illinois. The grants will enable units of local government to make energy efficiency upgrades to water equipment identified by previous energy audits, in some cases from audits provided at no-cost by the Illinois EPA Office of Energy. The funded projects will reduce the amount of energy consumed by water treatment operations, thereby reducing energy costs. Grant applications will undergo a comprehensive, merit-based review. Scoring factors will include cost effectiveness, energy cost impact savings, energy rate, and projects located in environmental justice areas of concern. Application materials are available on the Illinois EPA website. The application period closes at 5:00 pm on February 2, 2024.

The Illinois EPA Office of Energy is investing Department of Energy IIJA funds in projects across the State that focus on energy efficiency, resiliency, and clean energy technologies specifically in areas of environmental justice concern. In addition, Illinois EPA works with the Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC) and the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) to help municipalities save energy and reduce the cost of supplying public water and wastewater treatment through no-cost energy usage assessments from SEDAC and ISTC. For more information, visit the Illinois EPA’s webpage on Public Water Infrastructure Energy Assessments.

For more information about other Office of Energy programming, including the Public Water Supply Energy Efficiency Grant Program (EEPWS), please visit: or call 217-785-8841.

Landmarks Illinois

Have an endangered historic place in your community? Nominate it for our annual Most Endangered list! Landmarks Illinois is now accepting nominations for the 2024 Most Endangered Historic Places in Illinois, our longest-running annual advocacy program that calls attention to historic and culturally significant sites across the state that are threatened with deterioration, demolition or inappropriate development. Click below to learn more about the Most Endangered program and to submit a nomination.

Nominations for the 2024 Most Endangered list are due January 12, 2024.

Text Box: Submit a nomination!

IDOT Building Blocks of Success

The Illinois Department of Transportation is hosting free virtual workshops in January as part of its continuing Building Blocks of Success series for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise firms interested in strengthening their skills, growing their business and bidding on state projects. New and existing DBEs, as well as firms interested in becoming certified in the program, are invited.

January workshop dates and topics:

  • January 9, 10 a.m. to noon: Capital and Lending Series – Accessing Capital
  • January 11, 10 a.m. to noon: Capital and Lending Series – Advanced Banking (Underwriting Process)
  • January 16, 10 a.m. to noon: Capital and Lending Series – Improving your Personal and Business Credit Score
  • January 18, 10 a.m. to noon: Capital and Lending Series – What Banks Look For/How to
  • Connect with Lenders
  • January 23, 10 a.m. to noon: Bonding and Insurance – Advanced Insurance and Bonding (Underwriting)
  • January 25, 10 a.m. to noon: Bonding and Insurance – Insurance, Bonding and Risk Management for Construction Firms
  • January 30, 10 a.m. to noon: Marketing and Networking Series – Business and Strategic Plans Q&A

Building Blocks of Success will continue through April. Workshop information, including dates and times, is available through Eventbrite at Advance registration is required. Questions can be directed to IDOT’s Bureau of Small Business Enterprises at (217) 785-4611.

Through Gov. JB Pritzker’s historic, bipartisan Rebuild Illinois, IDOT is helping to deliver the largest capital program in state history while promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. Administered by IDOT, the DBE program provides minorities, women and eligible small businesses with opportunities to participate in federally and state funded highway, transit and airport contracts. For more information on becoming a certified DBE and learning more about available IDOT resources, visit

IDOA Fall Covers for Spring Savings Crop Incentive Program

The Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) Fall Covers for Spring Savings Program opens for applications on Friday with pre-enrollment available now for the first time in the program’s history.

Users are encouraged to enter their information into the application and validate it during the pre-enrollment period that started on December 4, 2023. Applications can be submitted when the program opens at 8:00 a.m. on December 15, 2023. Applications can be saved and edited at any time, prior to submittal.

Pre-Enrollment Period8:00 a.m. CST, December 4, 2023
Application Submittal Period8:00 a.m. CST, December 15, 2023
Program Closes11:59 p.m. CST, January 15, 2024

A total of 140,000 acres are available for the 2024 program. In 2023, the acreage allotment was met in under 24 hours, and a total of over 182,688 acres were requested by the time the application period ended. Funding of eligible acreage is on a first come, first serve basis.

The program is applicable for acreage in Illinois seeded to cover crops in the fall of 2023 that will be planted to an insurable crop in 2024. Eligible applicants will receive a premium discount up to $5 per acre on the following year’s crop insurance, depending on individual crop insurance policies, for every cover crop acre enrolled and verified in the program.

Applicants will be required to certify that their cover crops are approved through their local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office before applying. Applicants will also need their current FSA-578 and federal crop insurance policy number(s) for the application.

The discount program was designed to promote additional acres of cover crops that are not covered by other state or federal incentives. IDOA will use a combination of tools to verify that acres applied for through this

program are planted in cover crops. The program is only applicable for those with coverage through the United States Department of Agriculture Risk Management Agency (USDA-RMA) crop insurance program. Confirmed applications will be forwarded to the USDA-RMA for processing and for application of premium discounts to 2024 crop insurance invoices.

The program can be traced back to the legislative efforts of former Senate Agriculture Chairman Scott Bennett who championed the program and ensured its initial funding. Prior to his death, Bennett worked closely with the Illinois Department of Agriculture to develop this program, which he called “an important tool to help farmers.”

Pre-enrollment and applications are available at: IDOA | Cover Crop Application ( Applications will be accepted until 11:59 P.M. CST on January 15, 2024. Further information can be obtained by contacting the IDOA at (217) 782-6297.

Illinois EPA Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Energy has announced $2,909,890 of grant funding available for the development of local strategic energy plans as well as energy efficiency audits and local government building upgrades. Under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG), grant awards ranging from $200,000 to $249,900 will aim to create long-term sustainability and energy reduction roadmaps and reduce energy usage for Illinois municipalities and counties.

The grant program will invest U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funds in energy planning, energy audits, and energy efficiency building upgrades. Municipalities and counties eligible for direct formula funding through the U.S. DOE are not eligible for funding through this state program. Grant applications will undergo a comprehensive, merit-based review. Scoring factors will include funding justification, projects located in environmental justice areas of concern, energy burden, energy/electric service, and partnerships between units of local governments or where projects benefit multiple communities. Application materials are available at the Illinois EPA Office of Energy webpage. The application period closes at 5:00 pm on January 22, 2024.

The Illinois EPA hosted a pre-recorded Technical Assistance webinar on December 11, 2023. The WebEx is available at: grant.html

The Illinois EPA is investing U.S. DOE IIJA funds in projects across the State that focus on energy efficiency, resiliency, and clean energy technologies specifically in areas of environmental justice concern. For more information about Office of Energy programming, including the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program, please visit or call 217-785-8841. More information on the

U.S. DOE EECBG is available at

Illinois EPA Third Notice of Funding Opportunity for County Solid Waste Planning

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) Director John J. Kim announced the latest funding opportunity to assist counties and other units of local government in implementing their solid waste planning obligations under the Illinois Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act (SWPRA). A Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) has been posted to the Illinois EPA website.

Under the SWPRA, counties and units of local government are obligated to revisit their Illinois Solid Waste Management Plans every five years and, if necessary, submit plans with significant updates to the Illinois EPA. The

Illinois EPA Material Management and Compliance Section is responsible for reviewing any solid waste management plans with significant updates submitted pursuant to the SWPRA. Through this funding opportunity, Illinois EPA intends to provide interested counties, and other units of local government required to develop a county solid waste management plan, financial assistance to help prepare the next plan update.

Eligible projects include, but are not limited to, conducting a local solid waste and materials management needs assessment, surveying local solid waste and materials management stakeholders to determine programmatic expansion viability, internally authoring solid waste management plan updates, or procuring consulting services to prepare solid waste management plan updates. Each county or unit of local government is eligible for up to

$10,000 in funding. All required forms and information can be found at: management/materials-management/county-solid-waste-planning.html.

Applications for the County Solid Waste Planning Grants will be accepted through 5:00 PM (CST) on January 20, 2024. Applicants may not apply for a grant until they are pre-qualified through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal.

Illinois EPA Energy Efficiency Projects Grant

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Director John J. Kim announced the Residential Energy Efficiency Trust Fund Grant Program – previously known as the Low-Income Residential Energy Efficiency Program or LIREE – with up to $5,000,000 in funding available for energy efficiency upgrades at single family or duplex residential properties. The Energy Efficiency Trust Fund Grant Program will benefit residents receiving housing assistance from a state or federal housing assistance program and located in areas of environmental justice concern. A Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) has been posted to the Agency’s website.

Eligible applicants include public housing authorities, units of local government (municipalities, counties, or townships), or nonprofit organizations. Examples of eligible projects include window replacement, heating and cooling equipment retrofits, and lighting upgrades. Total project costs may range from $25,000 – $500,000 with a match requirement subject to total funding request.

Applications for the Energy Efficiency Trust Fund Grant Program NOFO will be accepted on a rolling basis and eligible properties will receive funding on a first come, first serve basis. For eligibility and application information, visit:

Before applying to the grant program, applicants must be pre-qualified through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal,

Clean School Bus Rebate Program

The 2023 Clean School Bus Rebate program is now open! Applications are due January 31, 2024, 4:00 PM ET. For more information visit As a reminder, potential applicants should check their registration and ensure it is still valid or renew if it is set to expire soon! This is the first step in order to apply.

The major updates to this round of rebates from the previous two CSB funding opportunities are:

  • An updated lottery process where approximately 60% of funds will be available for prioritized applicants with approximately 40% to other applicants.
  • Certain eligible applicants can use funds for ADA-compliant wheelchair lifts.
  • Certain eligible applicants can use funds for high bus delivery costs.
  • Changes in funding levels per bus and applicant prioritization criteria.

For more information visit :

Illinois Department of Employment Security Workshare Illinois

WorkShare IL is a voluntary program that provides employers facing a decline in business with an alternative to layoffs. The program allows an employer to reduce the number of hours worked in any unit of their business in order to avoid permanent layoffs. Each employee in an affected unit continues to work but experiences a reduction in hours that ranges from 20% to 60%. Employees receive a corresponding percentage of unemployment benefits during the period of temporary reduction to offset the reduction in earnings.


Helpful Resources

Grant Help Desk Resources DCEO Office of Accountability

Grant Accountability and Transparency (GATA)

Audit Report Review Process Manual:

DCEO Website –

The Illinois DCEO website includes a page dedicated to current state and federal grant opportunities as well as Grantee resources. Click here to find valuable information!

Do you have questions about ARPA NEU funding?

To ask a question or request a support call, contact the NEU Support Team at either [email protected] or [email protected].

To ask a question about the U.S Treasury Reporting Portal, please contact [email protected]

Join DCEO’s Team

DCEO’s Team is expanding around the state. To apply for these jobs, please go to the Work4Illinois website at and use the search function to find the positions for our department.

Postings closing 1/9/24

Reconciliations Accountant (Accountant Advanced) Office of Financial Management – Sangamon County Auditor (PSA, Opt. 9A) Office of Internal Audits– Sangamon County

Posting closing 1/12/24

Public Service Administrator, OPT 2 – Office of Grants Management – Sangamon County

Following DCEO & Connecting with Team RED

If you have upcoming meetings or events and would like DCEO to participate, please reach out to us. Follow us on our social media channels for real time updates.

Facebook –

Linked In –

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