No ‘Too Hot to Handel’ this year as future remains uncertain after 17 years

Karen-Marie Richardson (Photo by Kristie Kahns)

The popular holiday jazz-infused gospel musical “Too Hot to Handel,” featuring the talented married duo of Rodrick Dixon and Alfreda Burke and Karen-Marie Richardson, will not be held this year at the Auditorium Theatre. Its future remains uncertain after a 17-year run at the iconic facility.

Popular among Black theatergoers, the snazzy version of George Frideric Handel’s classic ‘Messiah’ for years played to large crowds at the Auditorium Theatre.

“Too Hot to Handel” is usually presented in January during the Dr. Martin Luther King holiday. Last year, the production was performed in January and again 12 months later in December during the Christmas season. A crowd pleaser known for uplifting spirits with its rousing songs and dynamic choir, many fans return every year to view “Too Hot to Handel” multiple times.

But this year, the production is not on the theater’s lineup for the holiday season. On Facebook, Kathy English, a fan of “Too Hot to Handel,” asked Burke, a soprano, “Will you be performing ‘Too Hot to Handel’ at the Auditorium Theater again? It was fabulous last year.”

Burke replied but gave no details on the production’s status or its future at the Auditorium Theatre. She told English to reach out to the Auditorium Theatre for any questions about the 2023-2024 season.

When the Crusader emailed Burke about the production’s future, she gave a similar response.

“We’ve been blessed to have a run of ‘Too Hot to Handel’ at the Auditorium Theatre since 2006; Detroit Opera House since 2002 (interrupted by the pandemic); and 2018 (I believe) at Memphis’ Orpheum Theatre. However, we must allow the Auditorium Theatre to respond to any questions regarding their 2023-2024 season offerings. And they will reach out to you.”

Apparently, the Crusader’s inquiries have been too hot to handle for Auditorium Theatre officials, who are not giving details about “Too Hot to Handel’s” future. Alex Cadice, the theatre’s director of communications, during a phone conversation, told the Crusader that “Too Hot to Handel” will not be showing this year. He said organizers are “working on restructuring the show to reflect its potential.”

But when the Crusader asked whether the show would return this year, Cadice did not reply. Cadice told the Crusader he would email his response. He had not responded by press time on Wednesday, November 1, for the Crusader’s print edition. The Crusader left a message on the Auditorium Theatre’s general voicemail.

Created in 1992 as a collaboration between conductor Marin Alsop with orchestrators and arrangers Bob Christianson and Gary Anderson, “Too Hot to Handel” is performed around the world.

The production had its Chicago premiere at the Auditorium Theatre in 2006. In addition to the talented trio of Dixon, Burke and Richardson, the spirit-filled production includes renowned pianist Alvin Waddles III and dynamic Music Director Suzanne Mallare Acton. Also returning is a powerhouse Chicago chorus, along with members of Detroit’s Rackham Symphony Choir.

For nearly two decades, Dixon wowed audiences with his powerful vocals during his opening number, ‘Every Valley Shall Be Exalted.’ Richardson inspired fans with Quincy Jones’ soulful version ‘O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion.’

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