Mrvan hosts prominent Black Legislator with elected Gary officials

REP. FRANK MRVAN with community supporters holding the Congressman’s bumper stickers.

Congressman Frank Mrvan has a record of real results and accomplishments for the City of Gary and Northwest Indiana. From bringing back federal investments to listening to constituents every day and having an open door to help people in times of need, Frank has shown that he knows how to work with all levels of government to solve problems.

This was the subject of discussion earlier this month when Congressman Mrvan hosted his colleague and fellow Congressman Hakeem Jeffries to the City of Gary. Congressman Jeffries is a Democrat from New York and is the Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.

State Sen. Eddie Melton, U.S. Rep. Frank Mrvan and Gary Mayor Jerome Prince

Congressman Mrvan hosted a “Coffee and Discussions” event so Congressman Jeffries could meet and discuss issues with elected Gary officials, precinct committee members, and volunteers.

Elected officials included at the event were Mayor Jerome Prince, Common Council President and Councilman William Godwin, Common Council Vice President and Councilwoman Tai Adkins, State Representative Carolyn Jackson, State Representative Earl Harris Jr., and Calumet Township Trustee Kim Robinson.

LOCAL LAKE COUNTY Elected Officials gathered on Sunday, October 9, 2022 at the Democratic Headquarters in Gary to greet Brooklyn, New York’s Congressman Hakeem Jeffries. (Left to right) Calumet Township Trustee Kimberly Robinson; Gary Common Council President, Councilman William Godwin; State Representative Carolyn Jackson; State Rep. Earl Harris Jr.; Mrs. Deanna Prince and Gary Mayor Jerome Prince; Mrs. Jane Mrvan and Congressman Frank Mrvan; Congressman Jeffries; and Councilwoman Tai Adkins.

The gathering took place at the Democratic Headquarters in the City of Gary, and Congressman Jeffries highlighted how Congressman Frank Mrvan has proven since day one that he is a district-focused Member of Congress committed to solving problems. He also highlighted how Frank has shown how much he cares about the Northwest Indiana steel industry, about organized labor, and about bringing in federal dollars through Community Project Funding requests to support the district and the Gary community.

Notable examples of successful federal funding for Gary include funding for the South Shore Rail Line, the Gary/Chicago International Airport, and the Gary Police Department.

REP. FRANK MRVAN, with his wife Jane, speaks to his supporters

Congressman Jeffries also said that Frank knows how important voting rights are for minority communities in Northwest Indiana and throughout our nation, and that there is no greater privilege and responsibility than the right to vote. Work remains to be done in this area, and that is why Congressman Jeffries and Congressman Mrvan are committed to working in Congress to restore and strengthen protections in the Voting Rights Act.

Congressman Mrvan has proven that he knows how to work with fellow federal officials, state representatives, and local representatives to get things done and solve problems that improve the lives of everyone in our community.

Congressman Jeffries also urged everyone at this event to make sure that they and their families and friends vote for Frank so they can continue the work that needs to be done on our behalf in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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