As we continue to experience Women’s History Month, it is good to take the time to understand some of the trials and tribulations historically faced by women. Ironically, many of these have their origin with women themselves, who are often the greatest critics and haters of other women. The trend seems to be that when a man and a woman are involved in a challenging situation, almost always the blame is laid right at the feet of the woman involved, no matter the circumstances. This is clearly misogynoir, i.e., sexism and racism against Black women.

This situation does not seem to be limited by race; it seems that both Black, white, and other women share the trait of holding women more accountable for almost any situation.

There does seem to be, in fact, a growing hatred of women; a cacophony of shrill accusations arises against women all too often. This may have something to do with the fact that we exist in a patriarchy. Though women have achieved the right to vote and to purchase property, there is still the notion that a man should be in control of a woman no matter what the differences in economic status may be.

Regarding African American women in particular, there is an almost hysterical need for some women to hold onto traditional roles in an attempt to keep women in their place. An extreme example were the responses to the singer Rihanna who, pregnant again, was out on the town with her partner and father of her child, A$AP Rocky. A photograph showed them holding hands and walking, but she was in front of A$AP. A lot of women seemingly lost their minds; they were quite bothered by the fact that Rihanna was in front in this particular photo and opined that she was leading him and emasculating him.

On another note, there is still the traditional misogyny demonstrated by a lot of Black men. It has been pointed out that Megan Thee Stallion was allegedly shot in the foot by Tory Lanez. Though a jury convicted Lanez of doing the deed, there has been a venomous backlash against Megan, who it seems gets all of the blame for the situation, even though she did not shoot herself. People are angry with her for being shot!

One of the most egregious demonstrations of wanton misogyny against Black women was Chris Rock’s recent Netflix comedy special rant. It was the first time he had an opportunity to address “the slap” that took place a year ago when he was hosting the Oscars. It is a curious thing that though Will Smith was the one who lost control, went to the stage and slapped Chris Rock for talking about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, she is the one receiving most of the fallout for the event!

Chris Rock didn’t hold back, and with a great deal of venom he called Jada a b!tch several times. And on a similar note, Meghan Markle, the wife of Prince Harry of Britain, is being accused of poisoning Harry’s relationship with the royal family. She is being blamed for the apparent racism they are experiencing.

Another case of senseless misogyny is connected with Venus and Serena Williams. There was a photo of the sisters at a public event, which drew negative reactions from some of the Black male observers. Even though the sisters looked beautiful as they posed for the cameras, several males commented they should have chosen Black mates.

This was a veiled aspersion cast toward Serena, who is married to a white man. But they lumped Venus in the equation, even though there is no evidence she has a white mate. Moreover, there was a time when a lot of Black men actually made unkind remarks about the sisters, making it very clear that they did not find them attractive.

Ultimately, Black women have had a very difficult time. They have been blamed for all of the dysfunction in the Black community; they have been accused of being too masculine, and of emasculating Black men. They are blamed for the breakup of Black families and for the dire economic circumstances of those families.

Furthermore, women who have met with economic success and have educated themselves are being accused of taking jobs away from men!

Common sense dictates that Black women AND men are bound by destiny and need to come to their senses and work to heal our communities. We MUST learn to love each other! A Luta Continua.

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