Crerar Memorial Presbyterian Church has invited Christopher Hicks, founder of Chatham United (CU), to be the Men’s Day Speaker on Sunday, November 19, at 11:00 a.m. Traditionally this service would be in-person, however, to expand outreach and share Hicks’ message with more people, the service will be streamed virtually on ZOOM. All are invited; details to connect via ZOOM are below.
As a resident of Chatham for about 40 years Hicks has seen great, and not so great changes in the community. Civil Rights activist, the late Fannie Lou Hamer said, “You can pray until you faint, but unless you get up and try to do something, God is not going to put it in your lap.” Hamer’s truth is one that motivated Hicks and Chatham residents to do something!
In the Fall of 2021, Hicks invited neighbors to a parking lot meeting at Neil school. The meeting drew about 15 people. At the next meeting, more neighbors and the group adopted Chatham United as the organization’s name. Today Chatham United’s roster includes more than 250 people! Chatham United has created a walking group, an activities group for youth, a history group, and the community comradery of being alert, and noticing unusual things that may be damaging to the area’s reputation.
Join Crerar and Christopher Hicks, via ZOOM, Sunday November 19 as follows:
Prelude: 10:45 a.m. –
From the Zoom app enter the Meeting ID: 82485170220 and Password: 335964
You may also join by Phone via: 312-626-6799
When prompted ENTER: Meeting ID: 82485170220 and password.
Crerar Memorial Presbyterian Church located, 8100 S. Calumet Avenue in Chicago, IL, was founded in 1897 and celebrated its 125th Anniversary earlier in the year. According to the late historian Timuel Black, Crerar is one of the oldest churches in Chatham.