Gary residents will again have the opportunity to share their concerns with Mayor Jerome Prince during the upcoming “Listen and Talk Tours.”
Accompanied by all of the city of Gary’s department heads, Mayor Prince will update residents on important developments throughout the city and field questions directly from residents during the tour.
Mayor Prince recently updated his “Listen and Talk Tour” schedule, adding new sites and dates, which will include stops in each of the city of Gary’s six Council districts.
The schedule is as follows:
Thursday, October 6: St. Timothy Community Church, 1600 W. 25th Ave.
Thursday, October 13: Beacon Light CRC Church, 3770 Burr St.
Thursday, October 20: Indiana University Northwest, 3400 Broadway, Bergland Auditorium-Savannah Center
Thursday, October 27: Thea Bowman Leadership Academy, 3401 W. 5th Ave.
Thursday, November 3: Beyond 4 Walls Christian Center, 875 Lake St.
Time: All events will begin at 6:00 p.m. and end at 7:30 p.m.
For more information, contact Michael Gonzalez at [email protected], or at (219) 617-0796.