Join the movement: National Black Cleanup Day set for May 20, 2023

The second annual NATIONAL BLACK CLEANUP DAY (NBCD) will take place on May20, 2023. The goal of the NBCD is to institutionalize the concept of pristine Black communities across the length and breadth of America. This is an initiative that is long overdue. While we are in constant search for solutions to the myriad problems and pathologies plaguing the Black world, cleaning up those spaces that we inhabit can and will address many of the challenges that we (Blacks) face each and every day. According to study after study, including studies published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, when we clean up our neighborhoods:

  • Crime is reduced
  • Gun violence is reduced
  • Mental health is improved
  • Physical health is improved
  • Residents experience less stress
  • Hopelessness and helplessness begin to disappear
  • Self-image and self-esteem are enhanced
  • Educational performance improves
  • Property values increase
  • New business investments are attracted

Brothers and sisters, this is what SELFDETERMINATION looks like.

This can be the beginning and the catalyst for realizing the unity and trust that has eluded us for so long. This single initiative can revitalize, reinvigorate, and transform Black America. When we clean up our environment, we begin the psychological healing that is so desperately needed among our people.

We must have your help!!! We are reaching out to as many Black organizations and community activists as we can (the Black church, fraternities, sororities, professional orgs., civil rights orgs., and Reparations groups, etc.) because it is going to take all of us to ensure the success of this historic cleanup. Although this is deemed National Black Cleanup Day, we are encouraging each targeted neighborhood/community to schedule a cleanup event at least once each month.

We are asking organizations and individuals to embrace this cleanup effort as your  own (because it really is), to share this information with others, and to start organizing early. Please let us know if we can add your organization to the list of supporters/participants.

Peace & Love,

Citizens Organized for Environmental Justice ([email protected]) 904-699-6317

Calling All Bridge Builders ([email protected]) 561-801-6082

Sankofa Revolutionary Radio ([email protected]) 205-531-9141

REAL Learning Institute ([email protected]) 769-572-7441 ([email protected])

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