Jackson awarded legislative leadership training fellowship

Rep. Carolyn B. Jackson

State Rep. Carolyn B. Jackson (D-Hammond) is one of 40 lawmakers selected to participate in an annual training program that develops promising Midwestern state leaders. From August 27-31, Jackson will attend the Council of State Governments’ 27th annual Bowhay Institute for Legislative Leadership Development (BILLD).

“The residents of Hammond and House District 1 have sent me to Indianapolis for the past four years to craft policy and advocate on their behalf, so I am looking forward to learning additional skills and becoming a more effective legislator,” Jackson said. “I am grateful to BILLD’s leadership for the opportunity to attend this prestigious legislative training program designed for Midwestern legislators.”

BILLD was founded in 1995 in response to a national shift of policy responsibility toward states. Awarded on a competitive, nonpartisan basis, the fellowships pay for attendance at the institute and equip legislators to make policy in an informed and prudent manner.

“My past legislation has included efforts to protect the environment and human health as well as creating an inclusive economy for women and people of color. The focus of the program on economic, trade, and energy policy will help me return to the General Assembly with new advocacy tools for these critical issues,” Jackson added.

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