Indiana Attorney General defiant over fondling allegations

By Stephanie Gadlin, Special to the Gary Crusader 

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill refused to step down following groping allegations by four female state workers, including an unidentified state lawmaker, who claimed the Republican legislator inappropriately touched them at a bar.

The attorney general is accused of touching, groping and going under the clothing of several women while allegedly intoxicated, according to a report with the state’s Legislative Services Agency. He denies the allegation.

Hill said in a written statement: “The people of the state of Indiana have given me the highest honor to have elected me with overwhelming support to the position of attorney general. I will continue to honor my commitment to the citizens of this great state.”

The incident allegedly occurred on March 15 following the adjournment of the General Assembly’s annual session. The allegations come at a time when the nation is engrossed in the #MeToo movement, that has spawned the arrests and/or ostracization of a number of high profile men, some of whom were forced to step down from their positions.

On Wednesday, Gov. Eric J. Holcomb released the following statement to the Crusader and other press concerning the allegations, “I’m in a remote area of Montana with Janet celebrating our anniversary for a few days. I have limited information from media sources I’m able to access.

“We took great care to update our sexual harassment policies for the executive, legislative and judicial branches in the past few months. No one should be subjected to unwanted sexual advances. I commend House and Senate leaders for their immediate and formal follow up to the allegations presented to them,” he said.

“I’ll return to Indianapolis late tomorrow night. Until I’ve reviewed the facts in detail, I will have no further comment.”

Hill’s alleged actions have been denounced by a bipartisan chorus of lawmakers denouncing everything from sexual harassment to sexual battery.


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