Gary has one of the highest concentrations of LSLs in the state
Indiana American Water announced that the Indiana Finance Authority has awarded nearly $19 million in Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRF) to help fund replacement or retirement of approximately 4,000 lead service lines (LSL) in Gary, Ind.
“These funds will make our lead service line removal program even more affordable and speed up our efforts to get the lead out of Indiana once and for all,” said IAW President Matt Prine.
State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Programs provide low-interest loans to Indiana communities for projects that improve wastewater and drinking water infrastructure to protect public health and the environment.
“We appreciate Indiana American Water’s efforts over the last several years to remove lead service lines and are pleased to lend support to their efforts in Gary, which has one of the highest concentrations of LSLs in the state,” said Dan Huge, public finance director of the State of Indiana
Indiana American Water estimates that there were as many as 55,000 lead service lines in use just a few years ago in its service areas across the state, with about two-thirds of those located in northwest Indiana.