A “sociological earthquake” has disturbed a not-so-tranquil African American community inspired by a social media influencer who recently made his transition. Kevin Samuels, who had a significant social media presence providing relationship “advice” to men and women, died suddenly. He gained a lot of notoriety due to the negativity that he spewed against Black women. According to some observers, Samuels initially gave advice to men, but he switched his focus to women, and when he did, his bank account benefitted. He had a call-in show where he treated women with disdain, and generally demonstrated a low opinion of them. Supposedly, they made up the lion’s share of his listening audience.
A lot of women are receiving flack because they are expressing unabashed glee at Samuels’ demise. Critics are expressing outrage at this behavior; they think that people should not be sharing their negative feelings about Samuels because he is no longer here and we should not speak ill of the dead. Others feel that he’s getting what he deserved, even if posthumously, for tearing down women, and especially Black women.
Vivica A. Fox, a long-time actress and public personality, has garnered heat for her critical comments regarding Samuels’ demise. According to sources, she said, “This man was a hypocrite, in my honest opinion.” Comedian Marlon Wayans said that Samuels offered “healing through ‘nasty a**’ medicine,” Fox stated, “I didn’t find anything about him to be healing. He insulted African American women on a consistent basis.” She also alluded to what happened to him as his “Karma.”
In his last video before his unexpected and untimely demise at the age of 57, Samuels said that women over the age of 35 who are not married are “leftovers.” Moreover, when women called his online show, one of the first questions he asked was about their “dress size.” He also inquired about their income.
Samuels’ main theme was that there are a lot of women who are subpar who want “high value men.” He had the women rate their looks, and routinely lambasted them for what he considered their over-estimation of themselves. He let the women know that it was unrealistic of them to expect to attract a “high value” man who makes over $100,000. When the women shared their plans to improve themselves, he would talk over them and knock down their ideas without seriously and objectively listening to what they had to say.
A lot of Black men loved his ideas. The problem with this is that there was a consensus built among a certain demographic that most women, especially Black women, are subpar. The other problem is that the criteria for being “high value” was based solely on finances and appearance.
Kevin Samuels did more for the deflating of the self-esteem of single women who called his show asking for advice than probably anything else in recent history. Love was never considered as a valid part of an equation in the pursuit of a viable mate. Everything he spoke about was based on superficialities. And he also said that women didn’t contribute anything of value to society; men built everything!
It must be said that Samuels had been married twice and had a daughter from whom it is said he was estranged and whom he refused to help with student loans. In other words, this alleged relationship “guru” was not able to acquire what he chided his female followers for not achieving.
Regarding “not speaking ill of the dead,” it was pointed out by an observer that sometimes their deeds are so harmful to those left behind that it is questionable as to whether they shouldn’t be mentioned just because they aren’t here anymore. One thing is certain, Samuels left a wide swath of philosophical discontent that could have the impact of harming both women and men. This is unfortunate, but since there are both positives and negatives connected with any situation, it’s apparent that Kevin Samuels left at least one positive legacy: he got people to think about the quality of their lives and what they need to bring to the table in relationships. In other words, people can make lemonade from the lemons he left behind. With that said, may he rest in perfect peace! A Luta Continua.