GCSC partners with Project Rebuild to increase attendance rates

The Gary Community School Corporation (GCSC) has joined forces with Project Rebuild for a joint mission to raise the attendance rate of students in the district. Beginning this year, attendance factors into the district grade through the state. The first day of school was August 15th, 2023, and GCSC is aiming to reach a 95% attendance goal for the year.

Statistics show students who attend school regularly feel more connected to the school community and are more engaged in the learning process. As a result, this leads to higher grades, test scores, a greater chance of graduation. These students are also more likely to continue their education after high school.

“We recognize that in order to meet the district’s goal, it will take collaboration from all involved parties including parents, faculty and staff,” said Austin Cook, Director of Attendance and Truancy.

To assist families, Project Rebuild will provide resources and support for those who have difficulty with attendance. Their goal is to determine the root causes of truancy and create customized plans for each family based on their needs.

For the latest district news, visit garyschools.org.  For more information on project rebuild visit prbfoundation.org.

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