The City of Gary will welcome U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters to the city of Gary Wednesday, October 9, 2019 for the Dedication and Unveiling of a statue of the city’s first African-American mayor, Richard Gordon Hatcher.
Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson, the Gary Common Council and the Hatcher Foundation will host the event on the grounds of City Hall at Gary City Hall, 401 Broadway.

“We are honored to have this opportunity to acknowledge Mayor Hatcher in such a special way and to have Congresswoman Waters join us for the unveiling of the statue,” said Mayor Freeman-Wilson. “The statue will be a reminder of his countless accomplishments in public service that paved the way for so many African-Americans. We are proud to stand on his shoulders and are driven to build on his legacy.”
Richard Gordon Hatcher served as mayor of Gary from January 1, 1968-January 1, 1988. Hatcher along with Carl Stokes, mayor of Cleveland, Ohio made history in the November 1967 election when they became the first two black elected officials of mid-sized American cities.
In November 2017, the city commemorated the 50th Anniversary of the historic election, “A Day to Remember,” of Mayor Hatcher in an event at West Side Leadership Academy. The event attracted a great number of dignitaries and special guests to the celebration.

The Dedication and Unveiling of the statute of this historic icon will convene on October 9th at 2:00 p.m. on the south parking lot. Those planning to attend were asked to RSVP by Friday, October 4, 2019 via email: [email protected] or by contacting the Communications Department at 219-881-1314.