Gary Schools to Continue Same Schedule for Food Distribution

Gary Schools Prepare for Summer School

The Gary Community School Corporation is committed to making food available to students every Monday through the end of summer 2020. GCSC will distribute food items to youth ages 18 and younger Monday, May 18th from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Registration has begun for summer school, which starts June 8th. This year, summer school will be conducted virtually. Parents are asked to contact their home school to register your child(ren). It’s a great way to keep your child engaged during the summer months, and the food distribution will also continue throughout the summer.

During Monday’s food distribution, a fleet of buses will be dispatched to locations across the city and will stay in these locations for 45-minute increments or until food items are exhausted. There will not be a second route, therefore, early arrival is suggested. Families should only get food from one site to ensure that the District can serve as many youth as possible.

Food items will be handed out by district employees and representatives from food vendor Sodexo Magic. The list of distribution stops can be found below, here and on the homepage of the school district’s website.

Families are asked to bring bags, boxes and any other items to help with the transport of their food items. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early. Security will also be on hand to conduct orderly distribution while ensuring that social distancing is practiced.

Full details of the District’s Coronavirus plan as well as the student instructional materials can be found at Daily updates will also be shared on the school corporation’s Facebook,Twitter and Instagram pages.

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