The Westside Long Term Recovery Group (WLTRG), a collaboration of community groups, faith-based organizations and block clubs have been at the forefront of providing support for west side residents impacted by the July 2023 flood that caused hundreds of millions in damage, displaced residents and created short- and long-term health risks through massive mold infestation. The WTLRG is calling on the city of Chicago and our Mayor Brandon Johnson to provide $25 million in grant resources so that we can meet the urgent needs of west side residents.
Ever since the flood, we have built partnerships to serve thousands of impacted residents by; installing furnaces and water heaters, community-based debris removal, mold remediation, and distributing thousands of bags with cleaning material. While we appreciate FEMA’S assistance, it fell far short of making families whole. Despite this yeoman’s effort, we have still identified hundreds of residents who still need muck removal (debris), mold remediation, rebuild, furnaces, washers and dryers…with more certain as we poll the over 17,000 families that we have served. We need the city of Chicago to answer the call. Our communities deserve better.
WHEN: Wednesday, February 21 @ 10am CST
WHERE: 5834 W. Augusta, Chicago IL 60651
WHO: West Side Health Authority, Every Block a Village Church, 1000 Strong Block Club, Journey
For Justice Alliance, BUILD, Northwest Austin Council, Chicago Tool Library