Five Ways to Improve your Finances in 2018

By Delta Jones-Walker, Gary Crusader

Welcome to a New Year and hopefully a new financial you! Whatever setbacks or missed marks you encountered in 2017, they’re in the past. It’s time to move forward. The phones in my office are ringing, emails are steadily coming in and prospective clients are stopping by. Why, you ask? Because now is the best time to map out a plan for money matters concerning you and those you love.

No matter what your income may be, you are ultimately the one who determines the destiny of your financial future. Why not start today by implementing a few easy steps that better position you to build your wealth?

  1. Set your financial goals and make them public. Sound strange? Not really. Once you tell someone what you plan to do or post it on social media, many people, even strangers are secretly holding you accountable. They’re watching, so don’t let them or you, down! Stick to the goals you’ve set, and give periodic updates on your progress. No need to share all of the details. Simple statements like, “I’ve reached 10% of my savings goal for the year so far” will work. That’s a sufficient bit of news without sharing the actual amount.
  2. Simplify your digital life. In this age of technology, spending power is at our fingertips. We are only an app, website or click away from making a major purchase. Do a thorough purge of your digital devices and remove those triggers that encourage impulse buying. If you are in love with Grou- pon or Amazon, delete the apps and unsubscribe from the emails. You’d be surprised how much money you will save from this “out of sight out of mind” tactic.
  3. Take a financial tip from the millennials. We can learn a thing or two from those who are age 21 – 35 and are much newer in their financial journeys. Many millennials have mastered the art of cutting corners by engaging in “Do it Yourself” projects rather than spending significantly more dollars to hire someone to complete the work needed. They just “Google” and do it. They also prioritize their expenses toward things that matter most to them like traveling and other life experiences rather than large ticket items that must be paid for over a long period of time.
  4. Know how to start over if you need to. If you had a rough 2017, then 2018 may be about rebuilding. Make saving and re-establishing your credit priorities, especially if you are rebounding from bankruptcy. Identify a financial advisor who can help you map out a plan that is feasible based on your income and assets.
  5. Max out your retirement savings. If you didn’t meet your retirement savings goals in 2017, then be committed to doing so this year. If you have a 401K or some other type of savings plan through your place of employment, set up an automatic deduction from your paycheck and make sure it is enough to meet the requirements for the company match. If your company doesn’t offer a retirement plan, check on your eligibility for an IRA account.

Over the course of 2018, I will continue to share more tips because it is my quest, goal and calling to help as many people as I can to GET THEIR FINANCIAL LIFE! Happy New Year, and let’s be prosperous!

Connect with Delta Jones-Walk- er and Atled Financial on Facebook, Twitter: @Atled Financial and LinkedIn! To schedule a complimentary consultation or a presentation to your group or organization, call 219-513-3710 or email [email protected] and mention this column. Topic ideas for this column are welcome!

*Securities and advisory services offered through Woodbury Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Insurance services offered through At-led Financial Group 717 B Main Street Schererville, IN 46375 which is not affiliated with Woodbury Financial.

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