The Crusader Newspaper Group

Five Healthy Habits for 2020

Everyone is talking about the fact that we are starting a new decade and that “2020” represents clearer vision for what lies ahead. Well, you know I had to take this mantra and add a healthy twist to it! It’s no secret that healthier lifestyle habits can lead to longevity and fewer health concerns as we grow older. Let’s make 2020 the year of HEALTHY LIVING!

Studies show that we can break or form a habit in about 21 days. That means you can start some healthy habits today and be ready to stick to them in the New Year. Here are a few to consider:

Cleanse your hands more often. I bet you thought I was going to start with clean eating and exercise. These are definitely on my list, but let’s start by washing our hands more. Did you know that this simple habit is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick? Germs be gone!

Set and keep your dental appointments. Don’t wait for the dental office to call you. Go ahead and reach out to schedule your check-ups and cleanings for next year. Your dental health is paramount. Something as simple as a periodontal infection can contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and even premature, underweight births.

Expand your vegetable profile. Often, we slack on our vegetable intake because our palate is not excited by the same old broccoli, green beans, carrots or corn. Mix it up by trying something new such as snap peas, water chestnuts, eggplant, cilantro or avocados. Spend a little extra time in the fresh produce aisle and do some exploring.

Secure a health partner. We tend to stick to our commitments when we are held accountable. Identify someone who will help you stay on track with your goals. Whether it’s weight loss, more exercise or other healthy lifestyle changes, your health partner can be the sounding board and source of encouragement for you to keep going!

Try out some new exercise classes. We already know that the local gym will be packed at the beginning of the year, so why not get started now? Research a few classes at your local community center or gym and try them out. Did you know that exploring different types of movements can shock the body into weight loss mode? Classes also offer greater moral support and are more fun than just hitting the machines all the time.

See? Now that wasn’t so bad. The above healthy habits are simple enough to get you started and will hopefully lead down the path to a healthier you! Happy Holidays, and I will catch you in the New Year! And remember, your health matters!

For more healthy habits, follow Dr. Janet Seabrook on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Visit and sign up to receive regular updates and health information.

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