Happy 24th Wedding Anniversary President Obama

By Aria Ellise, blackdoctor.org

October 3rd marks President Obama’s and First Lady Michelle Obama’s 24th wedding anniversary. So what does it take to be married for 24 years? Well, the First Lady explains it all..

“What I’ve come to find is, you don’t sweat the small stuff,” FLOTUS told Ellen DeGeneres. “The journey that we’ve taken together, the fun we’ve had, the challenges we’ve faced, the two beautiful children that we’re raising — I kind of give him a pass now when he leaves his socks on the floor or tells that story for the one hundredth time and wants us to laugh at it as if we first heard it.”

The President gave his ode to his wife as well in the form of a facebook post on their anniversary (see below). He posted it with a simple caption that read, “Dancing through life for 24 years. Happy Anniversary.”

In honor of their 24 years of marriage, here are 24 of some of their favorite “love” moments caught on camera.


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