Experienced minimally invasive spine surgeon joins region’s most preferred orthopedic practice

Lakeshore Bone & Joint Institute is pleased to announce that Dwight S. Tyndall, M.D., a fellowship-trained, board-certified orthopedic spine sur­geon, will be joining Lakeshore Bone & Joint Institute as a partner in Janu­ary 2021. Dr. Tyndall has been practic­ing spine surgery in northwest Indiana and the Chicago area for over 20 years. During that time, he has built a very suc­cessful surgical practice focusing on non­surgical and surgical treatment of spinal conditions. Dr. Tyndall is a strong advo­cate of both minimally invasive and out­patient spine surgery.

Dr. Tyndall will be available to see pa­tients at the practice’s new Munster of­fice at 759 45th St., Suite 201. Patients in need of specialized back, neck and spine care are encouraged to call (219) 250-5035 or (219) 921-1444 to sched­ule an appointment.

As a board-certified, fellowship-trained orthopedic spine surgeon, Dr. Tyndall provides both the latest nonsurgical and surgical care for injuries and conditions of the back, neck and spine, including tech­nology such as cervical disc replacement, a motion-preserving procedure for ad­vanced degenerative disorders in the neck and minimally invasive spine surgery. Dr. Tyndall believes that these latest spine treat­ments and techniques are patient-centric since they help to speed patients’ recovery, reduce their pain, improve their function and strength and allow a faster return to normal daily activities.

“I am very excited to be joining Lake­shore Bone & Joint Institute,” Dr. Tyn­dall noted. “I view Lakeshore Bone & Joint Institute as the premier orthopedic group in the Chicagoland area. They are extremely patient-focused and, as a group, are dedicated to making their patients’ lives better and being a positive force in the community.”

“We are honored to welcome Dr. Tyn­dall to our team,” says Lakeshore Bone & Joint Institute CEO Dale Ingram. “He has been a staple in our health care com­munity for over a decade as a leader and pioneer in minimally invasive and out­patient spine surgery and patient-cen­tered spine care, and he shares our goal of helping patients throughout the region overcome their pain and return to their healthy, active lifestyles.”

Dr. Tyndall has trained at world re­nowned institutions, such as Stanford University, NYU and the Hospital for Special Surgery. He completed his surgi­cal internship at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City, his orthope­dic surgery residency at Stanford Medi­cal Center in California and his fellow­ship in spine surgery at the Hospital for Special Surgery, also in New York City. He is certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery and has spent years helping to develop new minimal­ly invasive surgery techniques, outpatient spine surgery instruments and implants. Dr. Tyndall has served as a clinical assis­tant professor of orthopedic surgery at Indiana University School of Medicine for over a decade and is a four-time win­ner of the Vitals Patients’ Choice Award.

To learn more or schedule an appoint­ment with Dr. Tyndall, call (219) 250-5035 or (219) 921-1444.

Preferred 4 to 1 over any other orthope­dic practice in the region, Lakeshore Bone & Joint Institute’s doctors have remained regional leaders in providing compassion­ate, specialized care since 1968. With 11 state-of-the-art facilities, located in Ches­terton. Crown Point, Knox, LaPorte, Michigan City, Munster, Portage, Scher­erville and Valparaiso, Lakeshore Bone & Joint Institute is committed to providing the exceptional, compassionate muscu­loskeletal care needed to keep you mov­ing and enjoying life. For more informa­tion on Lakeshore Bone & Joint Institute and its doctors, visit www.LBJI.com or like Lakeshore Bone & Joint Institution on Facebook.

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