Early detection of Alzheimer’s or dementia: 10 steps to approach memory concerns in others

Today, there are more than 6 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s, including 110,000 here in Indiana. Only half of those with the disease ever receive a diagnosis, delaying needed care and potentially putting these individuals at risk.

Close family members, who know their loved ones best, are typically the first to notice memory issues or cognitive problems, but they are often hesitant to say something – even when they know something is wrong. A recent Alzheimer’s Association/Ad Council omnibus survey found:

  • Fewer than half of Americans surveyed (44%) say they would talk to a loved one right away about seeing a doctor if they noticed signs of cognitive decline.
  • Instead, those polled say they are more likely to check in with other relatives (56%) and do research online (50%) when observing troubling signs.

To mark Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month in June, the Alzheimer’s Association is offering the 10 Steps to Approach Memory Concerns in Others:


  1. What changes in memory, thinking or behavior do you see? What is the person doing – or not doing – that’s out of the ordinary and causing concern?


  1. What else is going on? Various conditions can cause changes in memory, thinking and behavior – what other stressors or health issues may be causing the changes?


  1. Learn about the signs of Alzheimer’s and other dementias and the benefits of an early diagnosis.


  1. Has anyone noticed any changes? Reach out to family members and friends to see if they have noticed anything concerning.


  1. Who should have the conversation to discuss concerns? It could be you, a trusted family member or friend, or a combination. It’s usually best to speak one-on-one so that the person doesn’t feel threatened by a group, but use your best judgment to determine what will likely be most comfortable for the individual.


  1. What is the best time and place to have the conversation? Have the conversation as soon as possible. In addition to choosing a date and time, consider where the person will feel most comfortable.


  1. What will you or the person having the conversation say? Try the following: I’ve noticed [change] in you, and I’m concerned. Have you noticed it? Are you worried? How have you been feeling lately? You haven’t seemed like yourself. I noticed you [specific example] and it worried me. Has anything else like that happened?


  1. Offer to go with the person to the doctor. Ask the person if he or she will see a doctor and show your support by offering to go to the appointment.


  1. If needed, have multiple conversations.


  1. Reach out for help. Turn to the Alzheimer’s Association for information and support. Visit alz.org or call the free, 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900.

“While discussing cognitive concerns with a family member can be challenging, it’s really important,” said Natalie Sutton, executive director, Alzheimer’s Association Greater Indiana Chapter. “Having these conversations and seeing a doctor can help facilitate early detection and diagnosis, offering individuals and families important benefits including access to treatment and support services. No one should go through the journey alone.”

If a loved one is diagnosed with dementia, there is help available, including a monthly support group for caregivers at St. Timothy Community Church in Gary.

Dr. Beverly Lewis, Alzheimer’s Association volunteer said, “I co-facilitate the support group with Patricia Tyson who is a nurse with years of professional experience and also personal caregiving experience. Together we bring our expertise, empathy and education to support, uplift and encourage caregivers. We provide a safe space to vent without judgement or criticism. Sometimes caregivers are more burdened than they care to say and limited resources increase anxiety. We want all caregivers to know there is support. You will get through this. And this too shall pass. We pause. We pray. We laugh. We are here to help those who need our help. We’ve been there too and we made it through. So can you!”

To learn more about how to facilitate these difficult conversations, visit the “Hopeful Together” campaign website (alz.org/TimeToTalk). The website offers tools and resources to help families recognize early warning signs of Alzheimer’s, tips for facilitating conversations about cognition, benefits of early detection and diagnosis, a discussion guide for use with doctors and health providers and other disease-related information. For information on local support groups and other assistance, visit alz.org/crf or call the 24/7 Helpline (800.272.3900).

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