The I.U. Dons, Inc. schedule Radio-A-Thon for needy

The I.U. Dons, Inc. and Donnettes will sponsor a Radio-A-Thon as a part of their 52nd   annual Penny-A-Ton drive for the needy.The Radio-A-Thon will be held Friday, December 10 on WLTH Radio, 6 A.M. to noon. The on-site location will be in the studio at 115 West 5th Ave.The pledge line will be (219) 885-1371 and (219) 805-6040.

Persons who want to make pledges should call (219) 88E5-1371 or (219) 805-6040.  An a uniformed policeman will pick up all pledges.

The purpose of the drive is to raise a ton of pennies which is equivalent to $3,000. The proceeds will be donated to the needy via the social workers of the various Gary Schools.

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