Donor Gives $75K in Advance of Giving Tuesday as Challenge to Others

An anonymous donor has given $25,000 to each of the three Salvation Army Corps Community Centers in Lake County, Indiana for the purpose of supporting the humanitarian services, as well as to challenge others to give to this work. The Corps Community Centers “Gary-Merrillville,” “East Chicago,” and “Hammond-Munster” will be using these and other donations to support its Homelessness Prevention services, Food Pantry and Hot Meals programs, Pathway of Hope, Children and Youth programs and other vital services to Lake County residents in need.

The public is invited to join The Salvation Army’s Lake County officers, Advisory Board members and others as they celebrate and give thanks for the generous gifts. “Meet Us at the Big Red Kettle” at 11:00 a.m., “Giving Tuesday,” December 3, 2019 at the Gary-Merrillville Corps Community Center, 4800 Harrison St, Gary, IN 46408.

“Our goal is to meet this generous donor’s challenge by raising an additional $75,000 to support the work in each of the Corps Community Centers in Lake County,” said Kevin Feldman, Director of Development for The Salvation Army of Lake County.

Another way to participate in meeting this challenge is by visiting the Online Red Kettle page for The Salvation Army of Lake County at

For more information about The Salvation Army of Lake County and its Corps Community Centers, visit, or contact Kevin Feldman, Director of Development at 219-838-1328 or [email protected].

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