Customers urged to stay connected if they are behind on bills

Peoples Gas

Residential heating bills were $75 lower this winter

Peoples Gas is urging customers who are behind on their energy bills to

reach out as soon as possible to avoid disconnection. The state’s winter residential

disconnection moratorium expired at the start of April.

If a customer establishes and maintains a payment plan, they are not at risk for


Peoples Gas works with customers year-round to offer payment plans and help with

energy assistance.

Thanks to lower natural gas prices and warmer weather, the typical residential

customer’s heating bill was $75 less this winter than last winter.

Disconnection is always a last resort

Customers behind on their bills can go to or use the Peoples

Gas app to set up payment arrangements and connect with financial and energy

assistance options. They can also call 866-556-6001.

To help customers with lower incomes, financial assistance is available through the

Peoples Gas Share the Warmth program. Additional assistance is available through the

federal government, which is making $177 million available for customers in Illinois.

Beware of scammers

Unfortunately, scammers often try to take advantage of the end of the moratorium.

Scammers may pretend to be from Peoples Gas. They may even manipulate caller ID

to display “Peoples Gas” or use a recording that sounds like it’s from the company.Scammers will threaten to turn off customers’ energy in a short amount of time and

demand immediate payment — often with a prepaid debit card, third-party digital

payment app like Zelle or Venmo, or unusual payment method such as bitcoin.

These are all warning signs. If customers are ever in doubt about a phone call, they

should hang up and call Peoples Gas.

Additional tips are available online.

Simple ways to manage costs

Peoples Gas encourages customers to manage their energy use all year long. Go to the

Peoples Gas website for a checklist and more ways to save.

Peoples Gas, a subsidiary of WEC Energy Group (NYSE: WEC), is a regulated natural

gas delivery company that serves more than 891,000 residential, commercial and

industrial customers in the city of Chicago. You can find more information about natural

gas safety, energy efficiency and other energy-related topics at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @peoplegaschi.

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