City Council approves 2024 budget for Chicago

Chicago City Hall. (Canva)

The City of Chicago has approved its budget for the upcoming fiscal year, including investments in public safety, youth employment, and homelessness response.

On Wednesday, the City Council voted 41-8 to approve Mayor Brandon Johnsons’ budget proposal, officially implementing for FY2024.

The $16.77 billion budget will include $100 million for anti-violence programs, $66 million for mental health services, $76 dedicated to youth jobs and programming, and over $1 billion in infrastructure investments.

Johnson said the budget has met all of his goals.

“Today’s vote is an acknowledgement of the hard work to produce a balanced budget that makes critical investments and adheres to fiscal responsibility,” Johnson said. “It does so without overburdening working families while still meeting our obligations.”

Johnson said the budget reflects the heart of the people of Chicago.

“I have long said that where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. From making historic investments in our young people to making critical investments in mental health care and public safety, this budget is close to the heart and soul of who we are and what we represent as a city.”

The city will have to make up for a $538 million budget hole. However, Johnson has promised not to raise taxes while in office and said he will keep it that way despite the large gap.

“I am proud to pass the People’s Budget,” said Johnson. “A budget based on our values that is not balanced on the backs of working people and working families.”

Also included in the budget is over $500 million into capital improvements and bike lane infrastructure, $53 million for lead service line replacement programs, and another $150 million for migrant care.

This article originally appeared on The Center Square.

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