In Our Cities: The Chicago designer behind Chance’s overalls

By Andrea V. Watson,

EBONY recently launched a new multimedia series called “In Our Cities.” This series will combat the negative images the mainstream media highlights in Black communities across the country by showcasing a fuller picture of people, places and projects aimed at improvement.

Meet 28-year-old fashion designer Sheila Rashid. The Chicago native’s androgynous streetwear creations have attracted some big names to her client list, one being Chicago native Chance the Rapper. The 2017 Grammy Award winning artist–who took home three awards that night– wore a pair of her staple overalls to the MTV Video Music Awards back in 2016. Other artists who’ve rocked her unisex brand include Zendaya and Mick Jenkins.
Fashion makes a statement and clothes tell a story, she believes, and her line makes a bold one. “I’m different, I’m confident, I love fashion,” Rashid says. “I want to continue to inspire people through my art.”

Watch our exclusive video to  learn more about this Chicago standout, then click back to read more of our series here:

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