Carolyn’s Kids Foundation awards $17,000 in scholarships

The Carolyn’s Kids Foundation partnered with Mr. Siddiqui, CEO of SNC Consulting & Management Co. to present $100 scholarships to 80 eight-grade graduates at Prairie Hills Jr. High. Photographed with students (top row, center) is Superintendent Dr. Kimako Patterson, CKF CEO Carolyn Griffin Palmer, Principal Dr. Kenndell Smith, and CKF COO LaCael Palmer-Pratt. To support the Carolyn’s Kids Foundation and learn more, visit their website: and follow them on FB @ ckfchicago. (Photo by Eric V. Harwell)

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On Sunday, June 5, 2022, the Carolyn’s Kids Foundation (CKF) honored 140 eighth-grade students across Chicagoland areas with $100 gift cards for high school fees. Hosted at Visions Events Chicago, 11901 S. Loomis in Chicago, parents, students, and school teachers participated in the 6th Annual CKF Scholarship luncheon. This year $17,000 was distributed to the Class of 2022.

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The two HBCU Bound Scholars scheduled to attend Jackson State University with officials. Pictured left to right is CKF CEO Carolyn Griffin Palmer, Kevin Barber Jr. (scholar), Jamari White (scholar) and Brendolyn Hart-Glover, president of the Jackson State University Chicago Alumni Chapter.

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Carolyn’s Kids Foundation Board Members Gloria Jenkins, Alanna Mays, Tess Jones, T’Kira Siler-Wilkerson, Hubert C. Jackson, Carolyn Griffin Palmer (CEO), Isaac L. Palmer, LaCael Palmer-Pratt (COO), Karilyn Palmer-Paschal (CFO), Franchesca Little, and Lola Jenkins.

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LaCael Palmer-Pratt, Madisyn Guidry (scholarship recipient), Carolyn Palmer, and Karilyn Palmer-Paschal.

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Teachers from Bouchet Academy are pictured with their students, who are CKF scholars. From l-r: Vanessa Johnson (teacher), Tyriana McMichaels, Timothy Richardson, Messiah Jones, Rosalyn Lewis-Holt (teacher), and her son Bradley Holt, future CKF scholar.

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Carolyn Palmer featured with Prairie Hills Jr. High graduate, Lillian Cash. (Photos by C.G. Palmer)

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