Camelot Illinois To Support Chicago Youth Through Cradles To Crayons’ COVID-19 Emergency Essentials Fund

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Camelot Illinois is donating $15,000 to Cradles to Crayons (C2C) in support of its efforts to provide emergency essential items for children facing barriers to adequate resources throughout Chicagoland.

Children from birth through age 12, who are experiencing homelessness or low-income situations, depend on Cradles to Crayons year-round for the essential items they need to thrive — at home, at school, and at play. With the economic instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, families and youth experiencing poverty are relying heavily on Cradles to Crayons’ services and resources now more than ever. In response, C2C has created a COVID-19 Emergency Essentials Fund to address this need.

“C2C is fielding urgent requests from hospitals, homeless shelters, food pantries, and other community partners for new products including diapers, hygiene products, school supplies, books, and other essentials for local children. For families already pushed to the limits by the crisis, these necessities are both inaccessible and unaffordable,” says Chelsea Morris, Senior Manager of Corporate Relations at Cradles to Crayons.

Since the Emergency Essentials Fund was implemented four weeks ago, Cradles to Crayons has distributed more than 68,000 diapers, 3,300 hygiene kits, 2,000 books, 900 school supply kits, and 600 coats to 9,270 affected children, but the need is still on-going.

“Giving back to our community, especially during a crisis, is of the utmost importance to Camelot Illinois. Cradles to Crayons does amazing work and we are proud to align ourselves with an organization that shares our values,” said Keith Horton, General Manager and General Counsel of Camelot Illinois.

For more information on Cradles to Crayons, or to make a contribution to the Emergency Essentials Fund, please email [email protected] or visit their website at

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