BARBIE is Pink Bubble Gum Good!

Photo caption: Issa Rae as President Barbie celebrating with multiple Barbie’s in the background.

The plot in the blink of an EYE: Barbie Land is all pink and happy with all the various Barbies running Barbie Land: President Barbie, Doctor Barbie, Astronaut Barbies, and Supreme Court Barbies. All the diverse Kens are relegated to the Beach looking handsome.

One day Barbie begins to have feelings of depression, she loses her happy spark and must go to the real world to find the girl who is making her feel that way. Ken tags along and his eyes are opened to the fact that men aren’t just handsome bodies with no power. Barbie soon finds out that Mattel wants to put her back in a box. She finds the girl who is the reason she came to the real world and is surprised at the outcome.

First of all, while the movie BARBIE is fun, full of music and dancing, I don’t think it’s for young children. Eight and above will probably find it interesting and be able to follow along with the story.

I applaud Director Greta Gerwig for including all the Mattel BARBIE family and highlighting the reverse idea that women rule the world and men are pretty much eye candy. Plus, the awakening that everyone has an important place in the world is eye opening for many.

Honestly, I never thought about the social status between Barbie and Ken. I always thought that Ken was her boyfriend, and all was right with the world. Boy, was I wrong.

Robbie is the perfect Barbie. The transition from always happy confident Barbie to the confused and sad Barbie, to the aware Barbie is seamless. Ryan Gosling’s Ken is so on point. The pretty eye candy Ken who has eyes only for Barbie is, excuse the expression, the clueless blond who lives only for a kind word from the most popular girl in Barbie Land. Ryan is most funny when Ken goes to the real world and finds that men have power.

America Ferrera is fantastic as Gloria, the single mom of a rebellious teen who doesn’t believe in Barbie. Gloria works for Mattel and is losing herself and her love for life. She longs for the days when she and her daughter shared and loved playing with the Barbies.

The music and dancing sequences are well done, energetic, and fun. Poking fun at the Mattel executives is good, but a little overdone.

Also, the message toward the end of the film is a little over the top. It goes on a little too long and leaves you wondering what happens to Barbie and Barbie Land’s future.

I give BARBIE 4 out of 5 winks of the EYE! Little children will love the music and fast pace; however, it is two hours long and better for youth over 8 years of age.

Until next time, keep your EYE to the sky!

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