The Crusader Newspaper Group

Annual Xinos Scholarship Ball

From left to right: Dylan Dunkin and Christian Wesson

Sponsored by: The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. (Beta Mu Chapter)

The Xinos is a youth guidance group comprised of young ladies. Kudos is comprised of young men. The youth represent various high schools and are sponsored by The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.

Xinos recently presented their Annual Scholarship Ball at the Oasis Banquet Hall.

The Ball is a culminating activity of the sorority’s efforts in 2023 to promote grace, finesse and commitment in young ladies and young men and also to familiarize young people with the appropriate attire for various occasions. Twenty-one young ladies and their escorts were presented to the community. The escorts included the young men who are members of the Kudos Club.

This year’s Ball theme was “This is Me.” Sharise Belle, former Xinos, choreographed graceful and entertaining dance routines. The Xinos, Kudos and escorts performed each dance with precision and poise to the songs “You Are My Star,” “Mirrors,” “Golden Hour” and “A thousand Years.”

The most heartwarming dance of the evening was the fathers and Xinos dancing to the tune of “This Christmas.” All of the routines captivated the audience and were very well executed.

Six seniors were acknowledged for their achievements throughout high school.

The seniors were Jazlin Blackman, Jaylynn Dodson, Aaryel Johnson, Para McIntosh, Aniyah Reed and Madison Walters. Each senior was presented a floral arrangement with flowers of their school colors.

Jaylynn Dodson and Madison Walters were presented a plaque for being dedicated and active members of the Xinos organization for four years.

In addition to the dance performance, the Merrillville choir entertained the audience with musical selections.

The highlight of the evening was the crowning of Ms. Xinos 2023, Baili Randle of Bishop Noll Institute (Baili was also Ms. Xinos 2022).

1st runner-up was Rosa Blevins, Merrillville H.S.; 2nd runner-up, Kayla Smith, Merrillville H.S.

Dylan Dunkin, Merrillville H.S., was crowned King Kudos; Christian Wesson, Calumet H.S. was 1st runner-up.

Mrs. Karen D. Fitzgerald, Basileus

Mrs. Joan Washington, Kudos Advisor Mrs. Sadie Ethridge, Xinos Advisor

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