40 Tons and Good Green Level Up Conference

Photo caption: CONGRESSMAN DANNY K. DAVIS (7th District), sponsor of the Second Chance Act of 2007, addressed participants at the ‘State of Expungement in Illinois’ Session during the 40 Tons and Good Green Level Up Career Conference at Malcolm X College on Juneteenth.

On June 13, 2023, nearly 200 people attended the 40 Tons and Good Green Level Up Career Conference & Business Expo at Malcolm X College Conference Center in Chicago. This marked the sixth event for the conference, which grows each year, attracting hundreds interested in connecting with resources and employers. The Level Up Career Conference is an innovative employment resource that promotes social justice and brings together employers who encourage equitable hiring practices with diverse job seekers. The core pillar of the conference was centered around restorative justice, with five key areas of focus: Employment, Expungement, Education, Empowerment, and Engagement.

40 Tons is an African American and woman-owned social impact organization committed to restorative justice and equitable access to career opportunities. The presenting sponsor, Good Green, is a cannabis brand dedicated to supporting communities that are disproportionately impacted by the War on Drugs.

The day included a business expo, panels and dynamic speakers, including Congressman Danny K. Davis (7th District) the key sponsor of the Second Chance Act of 2007, which is credited for helping 100,000+ individuals escape the cycle of recidivism following incarceration. Congressman Davis, held an impromptu meet-and-greet, before delivering his speech on the “State of Expungement in Illinois.”

“The path to restorative justice is through employment, education and expungement, and 40 Tons’ mission is to close the gaps within all industries, starting with the cannabis industry,” said Loriel Alegrete, CEO, 40 Tons Brand. “We’re excited to host the Conference in recognition of Juneteenth, an important day of liberation for Black people.”

Jai Kensey, director of social impact at Green Thumb, said, “We’re happy to partner with 40 Tons to bring the Level Up Career Conference to Chicago. Our goal is to create opportunity in Black and Brown communities, and this career conference aligns directly with that mission.”

Award-winning CBS2 Chicago News reporter and National Association of Black Journalists President Dorothy Tucker introduced Khadijah Tribble’s “Breaking the Glass Ceiling & Creating Your Own Lane” keynote presentation. With an emphasis to create more employment and expungement opportunities for system-impacted individuals, the free conference offered exhibits and panels on Cannabis Careers, Dispensary Agent Training, Driving Social Impact, Resume Development, Know Your Right in the Industry, The DEI Journey and more.

About 40 Tons Careers

40 Tons is a California-based, African American- and woman-owned social impact brand committed to closing the gap in restorative justice and promoting diversity and inclusivity within American businesses, including the cannabis industry. The organization provides resources such as education, training, resume development, and legal advocacy/support to create pathways to inclusion. For more information, visit 40tonscareers.com.

About Good Green

Good Green is a brand owned by Green Thumb Industries, founded on the belief that cannabis should be enjoyed as a catalyst to wellness – not weaponized against those caught in the failed War on Drugs. The brand is creating a movement to bring cannabis and communities together, investing a portion of sales to nonprofits to create real, sustained progress against the War on Drugs. For more information, please visit https://good.green.

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