F.A.M.E. Afterschool Program of First A.M.E. Church invites the Gary community to attend the F.A.M.E Youth Gospel Explosion on Saturday, January 25, 2020 at 3 p.m. at First A.M.E. Church, 2045 Massachusetts Street. This will be an opportunity for young people to join with other young people in praising and glorifying our Lord and Savior.
The theme is “I Have No Reason to Fear” based on Psalms 27:1, “The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear?” We will be featuring Sistah ‘N Praise, First Church of God, Dancexcel, Trinity Baptist, Naomi Martin and more.
Opening the event to the public will demonstrate to the participating youth the support available from not only family, friends and the church, but also from the community at-large as they share their gifts.
School supplies will also be distributing at the F.A.M.E Youth Gospel Explosion.
Contact Renee Emerson, (219) 669-1564 or the Church office (219) 886-7561, if you have any questions.