The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.

Xinos and Kudos Present Annual Scholarship Ball

The Xinos, a youth guidance group, comprised of high school young ladies and their escorts sponsored by the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., recently presented their Annual Scholarship Ball at Avalon Manor.

The ball is the culminating activity of the sorority’s efforts in 2018 to promote grace, charm and commitment in the young ladies and young gentlemen, as well as familiarizing them with the appropriate attire for various occasions.

Twenty-five Xinos, Escorts, and 10 Kudos were presented to the community during the ball.

This year’s ball theme, “The Dance of Life,” presented graceful and entertaining dance routines choreographed by the talented Ms. Sharise Belle, former Xinos; Ms. Jerrika Davis, former Xinos; and Ms. Lauren Blackwell.

The Xinos, Kudos and their escorts performed each dance with precision and poise. The heartwarming dance of the evening was the fathers and Xinos, and the mothers and Kudos. The dance routines captivated the audience and were well executed.

Many of the former Xinos and Kudos attended this event.

Eight seniors were acknowledged for their achievements throughout high school: Amaya Butler, Merrillville; Nadia Jones, Merrillville; Daria Johnson, Merrillville; Imani Butts; Merrillville; Jordan Kincade, Merrillville; Madison Wilson, Thea Bowman; Kennedie Armstrong, Calumet; and Alexis Wood, Calumet. Each senior was presented a floral arrangement with flowers composed of their school colors.

Amaya Butler, president of the Xinos and a senior at Merrillville High School and Madison Wilson, a senior at Thea Bowman, were presented plaques for their dedication to the Xinos organazion for four years.

The highlight of the evening was the crowning of Ms. Xinos 2018, Alexis Wood.

The first runner-up was Madison Wilson; 2nd runner up was Kendall Jackson. Honorable mention was given to Imani Butts. Mr. Kudos, Paul Lopez, was crowned King Kudos.

THE KING KUDOS, Paul Lopez, is pictured after receiving his crown and trophy.

Other participants were Xinos: Laila Barnes, Angel Boose, Dervieux Coleman, Razaria Combs, Azaria Crosby, Mariah Dean, Ravin Edwards, Kamryn Johnson, Mikayla Lemons, Carson Scott, Desiree Taylor, Mia Tobar, JaylnnWard, Jada Wheeler, Ashley Williams and Jordan Yanders.

Kudos: Christian Jones, Edward Akins, Kamryn Outlar, Miles Lewis, Maxwell Ross, Jorryn Junigan, A’veyawn Madry, Donnicci Marshall and Sieon Roberts, Jr.

The Escorts this year were Aniya Lopez and Lauren Blackwell.

Advisors were Onitta Parker, Basileus; Brandi Herrod, Xinos advisor; Keisha Odom-Hagan, Xinos assistant advisor; Sadie Ethridge, Xinos executive advisor, LaFonda Morris, Kudos advisor, and Doris Wilson, Kudos executive advisor.

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