City, state and Army Officials gathered at the site where construction will begin for the Gary 32nd Street Flow Diversion Modification project for a groundbreaking ceremony on November 7, 2016.
The scheduled project will improve the efficiency and capability of the sanitary sewage system within the City of Gary. These improvements will help alleviate sewer backup affecting a number of residential areas within the city.
Among the officials was Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson, who said the greetings. Col. Christopher Drew Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District and U.S. House Representative Peter Visclosky (IN-1st District) were both speakers at the event.
The project, authorized under Section 219 of the Water Resources Development Act 1992, allows the Army Corps of Engineers to provide planning, design, and construction assistance for carrying out water-related environmental infrastructure projects in select areas. The project is cost shared 75 percent federal and 25 percent nonfederal.
The nonfederal sponsor is the Gary Storm Water Management District of Gary, Ind.
A contract was awarded to Grimmer Construction, Inc. of Hammond, Ind., on Aug. 30, 2016 for $1,046,590. Field construction work is anticipated to begin within the next five months.