Woman fired via text message, manager: it’s ‘not a good time’ for her maternity leave

By CBS Chicago

A pregnant Washington state woman said she was fired via text message from a sub shop where worked, with a store manager telling her “it’s not a good time to have somebody who is leaving for maternity leave in several months anyway.”

Kameisha Denton told CBS Seattle affiliate KIRO-TV that she had told the manager she was pregnant and due in December, asking for maternity leave.

Denton said she realized that she hadn’t been assigned shifts at Jersey Mike’s sub shop in Marysville, Washington, so she sent a text to her manager inquiring about the hours.

Read more at https://chicago.cbslocal.com/2018/08/24/woman-fired-manager-said-not-a-good-time-for-maternity-leave/

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