Urban League presents story on Rosenwald’s impact on Blacks

He pumped millions in schools for Blacks and gave fellowships to some of America’s most prominent Black writers. Now, a new documentary tells the incredible story of Julius Rosenwald, an esteemed philanthropist who crossed color lines to help thousands of Blacks reach for the American dream.

The Chicago Urban League cordially invites the community to a special screening of the documentary “Rosenwald: The Remarkable Story of a Jewish Partnership with African American Communities” 6 p.m., Tuesday, June 14th at BMO Harris Bank, 111 W. Monroe. This epic film is timely in light of the current racial climate in Chicago and around the country.

Shari Runner
Shari Runner

“We have had a long history of ADL and CUL working together,” said CUL President and CEO Shari Runner. “In the state of our community right now, it’s wonderful that we can show people, through this film, how a partnership works.”

Inspired by the Jewish ideals of tzedakah (charity) and tikkun olam (repairing the world), Julius Rosenwald partnered with African American communities to fund some 5,300 schools for African American children in the Jim Crow-era South.

The Rosenwald Fund also gave fellowships during the Depression to such noted African American artists as Marian Anderson, Ralph Bunche, Ralph Ellison, Gordon Parks and James Baldwin, to bolster their careers.

“The film really provides an amazing jumping off point for both of our communities to say look what we can do together and the impact we can have on lives,” said Lonnie Nasatir, Regional Director of ADL.

An in-depth panel discussion will follow the screening, moderated by WVON News Anchor, Dometi Pongo. Featured panelists include: Aviva Kempner, Rosenwald film director; Sarah Duncan, Co-Director, Network for College Success; Barbara Taylor Bowman, Co-Founder, Erikson Institute; Lonnie Nasatir, Regional Director, Anti-Defamation League; and Shari Runner, President and CEO, Chicago Urban League.

GCM Grosvenor and Gold Sponsor BMO Harris present this event.

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