The Crusader Newspaper Group

The Chatterbox

By Ima Gontellit, Chicago Crusader


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Gov. Bruce Rauner

I thought Ima would at least get a chance to watch television one day without seeing a bunch of television commercials, but Ima was wrong. No sooner than the primary winners of the governor’s race were declared the television ads for Pritzker and Rauner began. The only folks in town that are not complaining are the television stations that have received millions of dollars in adds.  So now they are off to races that will not end until November 2018. In the meantime, the Black newspapers will get next to nothing. Radio stations will be in the mix and millions of dollars will be spent. Pritzker has already spent a ton of money, while Rauner has spent peanuts in comparison. And since he spent peanuts he almost got his butt beat. That Ives lady was and is still mad at the khaki pants wearing Gubner. Ima is taking all bets that Pritkzer will beat Rauner like he stole something come November. It don’t matter what he calls you darkies, just like it didn’t matter in the primary unless he talks about your Mama. Now, that’s when they will fight.  I better check it out, maybe that won’t matter either.  Some of us don’t have no insult level.



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Richard R. Boykin

Who said you can’t buy an election? Well, you betcha dey bought dis one. Pritzker gave Preckwinkle $110,000 and she used most of it to make sure Richard Boykin won’t be around after December. Some folks have short memories. Dey was mad as hell when she passed that soda tax. They were glad when it was repealed. And then they forgot that the lady in the aqua and blue suits was the one who put it out there and laid the blame on poor Richard and other Commissioners when folks lost their county jobs. Clever, clever Toni!! She is meaner than any Daley ever was and she’s on her way to kick butt rock and roll. She didn’t spend a louie with the Black Press, so here’s hoping she paid the owners of the Unsunny Times and Tribune enough to give her good press and she won’t have to ask the lowly Black Press for nothing. True to her word when asked about taking an ad out in the Black Press she said she was only going to advertise on radio and television. And that she did.  Sure hope she don’t need no help from the lowly Black Press cause Ima goanna remind my publisher and others in the Black Press that she don’t give a good hoot or holler about them.



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Carrie Austin

The Union Bosses were seen in the corners rubbin’ their hands together as the votes came in. They done good that is for sure, check dem out!! But Ima wants to know who was mad with Carrie Austin who was defeated for Committeeman and remember she done made some outlandish remarks about some of our boys that got killed and she has been the elastic in Rahm‘s bloomers when no one else would be. Oh well, sometimes we become obsolete when new products are put on the shelves.



Donald Trump

We’ll let the dust settle for a moment and bring you some more scuttlebutt later. But Ima can’t let this week go by and not mention that the Nor’easter weather is being brought to you compliments of the devil himself. And who might dat be? Donald Trump, the woman molester, the Soviet Union kisser upper and the low down nasty mother that would fire a man a day before his birthday and two days that his pension would kick in. Now that’s low down and dirty!!!


EDITOR’S NOTE: This column is published as political satire, street gossip and humor, and therefore should not be considered as fact but rather as matter of opinion. None of the items therein are collected by the news gathering staff of the Crusader Newspaper Group. Items forwarded to The Chatterbox are kept confidential unless otherwise requested by the author in writing. For submissions please forward to: [email protected]. Original photography and artwork are permitted. Thank you for reading!

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